Chapter 16

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Three days later Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin and the 95-liners found themselves sitting in a car again, but this time they weren't going to the hospital again. After spending almost an entire week going on and off to the said place, today they were finally going home and of course as seven because the two injured ones were discharged early this morning much to everyone's relief.

It had been a close call though, since Namjoon was struggling with his painkillers. The first ones he took caused a lot of side effects, making him miserable and throw up anything he ate, but after some adjustments in dosage and type of painkillers, they found the right combination for their leader so he could be discharged right in time. Not that it would have been a big problem if the boy needed to stay for a couple more days in the hospital, since they were going to fly with a private plane and they could departure at any moment they would like. But out of everyone, it was Namjoon was wanted to go home the most. Well... everyone wanted to home badly, but Namjoon just showed it the most. The group had never seen their leader so impatient and anxious before, and he asked every hour if they were still on schedule to departure today. And if everything was being settled with the medical personnel, but also if the pilots were checked thoroughly and if everything back home was taken care of. He couldn't rest, not until he was back home and when he was certain that the rest of the group was safe and sound as well.

Jungkook was the second member to be discharged, but thankfully he didn't provide any problems the past couple of days. Yes, his stomach was still hurting every now and then, but he was accepting the tube feeding better every day and the doctors were content with his recovery so far. The boy himself was excited to go home as well, but if they needed to stay for another week, it wouldn't have been a problem to him. He was happy as long as he could be with his members, no matter where they were.

"Are Namjoon and Jungkook already here?" Hoseok asked when their car got closer to the private jet. He couldn't see anything beside a man that was fueling the plane and another man who observed every little detail of the plane with a checklist in his hand.

"No they will arrive in 15 minutes or so. They left around the same time as we did, but the hospital is a bit further away from the airport than our hotel" Sejin said as he slowed down and parked next to the small plane. "Go inside, I will take care of your luggage" the manager said

Yoongi, Seokjin and Yoongi nodded and looked at the younger members sitting in their midst. Jimin was doing relatively alright considering everything he's gone through. Apart from the sling that was supporting his injured shoulder, he didn't look any different from before the attack so he didn't need any help getting out of the car and walked towards the stairs without any problems. The other 95-liner however was a different story...

The wound in Taehyung's thigh had been very deep, so it still bothered him when he put any weight on it, but that wasn't his biggest problem right now. The blood loss had left the boy very vulnerable and weak, and within a few days he had managed to get himself a bad cold. Two days ago he had developed a fever as well and started to cough on top of it, so the older members had taken Taehyung to the doctor again who had prescribed the boy some antibiotics. Thankfully, the medicine kicked in relatively fast since his fever broke last night, but the antibiotics did upset his stomach, so he had a different problem at the moment.

"Tae let me carry you inside, the stairs will be too much for you" Seokjin said as he moved closer to the maknae who was sitting next to Yoongi. Taehyung looked tiredly at the oldest and sighed deeply in the face mask that was covering his mouth and nose. He hated to wear the mask since his nose was still running a lot due to his cold, but he knew he needed to wear it when he was traveling in small spaces with the others.

"Okay" he mumbled and turned around a little bit so Seokjin could wrap an arm around his waist and another under his knees.

"You lost some weight" Seokjin muttered when he lifted the boy in his arms. He adjusted his hold a bit before he moved closer to the stairs. Thankfully, this part of the airport was shielded of from the rest of the airport, otherwise they needed to watch out if fans could see them right now. Just one picture of Seokjin carrying Taehyung could blow up the internet within a couple of seconds.

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