who is Ruhaan?

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Like all day Tanya was going home after tiring day... thinking about Ruhaan's action..

Time skipped at college
Authors POV
All the students are staring at Tanya ...
She feel little bit weird..but ignored...
A girl come to Tanya and say "hi"
Tanya : hello
( Awardly)
?? : are you Tanya?
Tanya : yess I'm.!
??: I'm sneha.. Friends ..?
( Extended hand towards Tanya )
Tanya shaked hand
Sneha : I'm also from India.. yesterday I saw that Ruhaan proposed you..!
Tanya : who is Ruhaan?
Sneha: that boy who proposed you...
Tanya : his name is Ruhaan..!
Sneha: yess ! And he is the son of famous business man...
Tanya : ohh yeah ..! It's cool
Sneha : but I wondered why he proposed you ..i mean you know eachy?
Tanya: nahh... I'm new here I don't know anyone here ..
Sneha : whatever's...he is such silent boy but yesterday day he announced that...I was Fully shocked...
Tanya : you are his friend right?
Sneha : not so close but yeah we are
He is our class ...
Tanya : ohh sorry I never noticed
Sneha : no worries...
Let's chill out...
After saying this Sneha drag Tanya to cafeteria
Her actions are seened by someone..
Ruhaan goes to Tanya...in cafeteria
Ruhaan : sorry' Tanya for yesterday...i know because of my did you are facing problems...
Tanya : noohh... I'm not facing any problems ...and please don't say sorry...
Ruhaan: did you forgive me please?
Tanya : yess .. I' already did..
( Smiling)
Ruhaan: now we are friends from now
Tanya : yeahh...
This is how Ruhaan and Tanya get friends
Someone's seeing all this from far and called someone...

1??: sir .. she meet with Ruhaan..
2??: i already know that ..this will gonna happen
1??: sir tell me something...did i do somethin...
2??: nahhh no.. don't do anything nonsense without my permission
Just watch and report me
1??: ye yess yes sir....
(Call cutted from another side )

Tanya's POV
All is going good I found the friends and..my life is happy...for now...
Someone said that .. that's true friendship is all thing.(smiling)
First I'll take shower and then.. I'll complete my assignment and work at all..
End of Tanya's POV

            Time skipped to next day

Ruhaan , Tanya and Sneha get being close friends...
Ruhaan: guys my mom invited you on dinner..
Tanya, Sneha: ohh really?
Ruhaan: yess guys ..I told her I found friend so she tell me that she also wants to meet you both ..
Tanya : ohh it's good .. I'll surely come
Sneha : Mee too

Authors POV

Here in Ruhaan's house his mom is waiting for him..and his friends...after preparing dinner...

They all reached to Ruhaan's house...nope it's huge mansion
Tanya was stunned by seeing that huge mansion...she never saw that much big house before..
Ruhaan's mom( kirti Singh)
Kirti : welcome home ..
( With bright smile)
Ruhaan hugged his mom ...kirti also hugged Tanya and Sneha...
Tanya touch the toe of his mom...
( It's Indian ritual..when we meet elder..then we do this)
Kirti smiled
Kirti : now you all go and get fresh and up ... dinner is ready..
All : yess
*Dinner started*
All the time Ruhaan is staring at Tanya while eating kirti notice this...

??': boss she goes to his house....
2??': what..?
??: yess boss .!
2??: now this time to find out all (smirk)

Who is that both ?

Is kirti understand something about his son?



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