private property

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Tanya's POVThen i thought to break the silence

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Tanya's POV
Then i thought to break the silence...

" Can I ask where we are?"

" Hmm this is my palace in my private property..
He said with straight face

" Um private property?"
I asked

" ..all this area is mine one can enter or exit without my permission.."
He stated

" Ohh this ..means are owner oh this property..he he i mean you know na..-"

What the hell Tanya are you speaking..i know I'm nervous but..this shit... I didn't have to speak infront of..him... he'll think I'm dumb...

Let him think whatever he wants..why do I care...

" Hey where you lost.!"
He asked

" Ahh? nothing-

I said with nervous smile..

When he was about to talk about but then his phone rung...

He picked up..

I know it's bad habit...but i peep into phone to saw the caller id... hehe... I'm just curious to know about it... nothing more ..

And then I saw he noticed my...weird behaviour...but still didn't said anything thing and ...

" Ah hello Priti"

He said

Yeah means Priti didi call him...
Ohh I also want to talk with didi..

But I don't have any phone...or something...

When I was thinking all this ..he is talking something with Priti didi...but i didn't notice because I'm too much lost in my thoughts..

I mean how stupidity I have...just in morning I got so big trouble...

But see now behaviour...

I'm just this ...or i being more clingy infront of get his attention...

Nah nah...

Why would I...?

I know..i do have weird thoughts...but ...

While I was thinking all this stuff in my so called pretty mind...

Karan... inturputed in it..

" Um Tanya , Priti want's to talk with you"

With that he handed me phone..

" How is your health now?
Are you okay..?
Did you get hurt...?''

Before I can speak...didi started... questioning...

Because she sounded so worried about me...ahh

" Ohh didi I'm all okay...-

" What okay..huh?.. I know karan' is ...but you have to listen him...he is your husband...if something happen to you...-"

She inturputed to me...and in.. started to Speed...I can clearly hears that she is getting problem while talking...her breath is eaching but still she is talking...her voice concern about me...
And a big thing she is crying too..

" Ohh didi ap n phle Rona bnd kro.."

( First you stop crying)

" Kya...Rona ha..-

She stopped for while and again spoke

" Tanya please take care of yourself...and listen to Karan...he knows the world more than you"

With that she hang up the call ..

I can see ...we meet just day ago...she is worried about like ..her own sister...this is God gift...
I'll always make her happy...
She is not my real sister...
But today ...i feel
She is more than real sister...

With that my eyes get watery

But i controlled them and smiled..
Because I found my sister...

But see my husband..oh sorry ahh Karan...even Priti didi is so worried about me ..but see him...

( Aurthor- you don't know Tanya what he did to your kidnapper )

Karan's POV

I can see how Tanya get attached with Priti...

Their bond feels like sisters...
I like this...

How Priti care about Tanya like...her own... sister..

Well I know about Priti she such a selfish girl...who don't give a fuck about anyone..

But in Tanya's case ..she is different...

In my life i only have two people's...

Ruchi maa and Priti...
Priti is like...she supported me in every situation...
She is also big sister too me...
I have to listen her some times... because she is stubborn...
And I can't hurt...her...

And now I have Tanya also in my life ..
My wife ...

I know she is so pure and simple in my world..but

She is so little too for me...i know i force in every situation...

But now...

I know... what i have to make it better..

While I was thinking looking a beautiful face...then someone knocked in door

It's neon ...rooh's special..
Care taker...and my trusted man

" Sir your food"
He asked..for ..

" Hm come in "

He entered with food tray...
He placed food ..on table and leave from there...

I can see  she is making face while looking at the food plates..

It's daal and it's plane daal...
And rice...and in one bowl it's...spinach soup ...

" Umm I'm not eating thiss"
She said while yawing

" You have to eat this...for now..."

See I'm all okh...

She said while standing up on bed...

I just glared

So she ..sat down...
While making pout...

Ohh Satan ....why she is making pout... I fucking wanted to kiss those lips...

Then I was making plate for..her...
While she is still making faces...
That's she doesn't want to eat this..

The mafia making plate for someone...
Ah not his little wife..

I make a plate a...handed too her...
But she placed that plate on table...

" I don't want too eat this..-
With thar she was about to... stand from there

But i held her hand

" Tanya sit "
I said straight looking into her eye's

And she sat down with sad face ...


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