his past...

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In past...

Karan was from big..royal family..his dad is business man..and mom is kind woman ...but her passion is teaching...so decided to be come a proffer..

This is the time when Karan is 14 year old...

And he just came home from school...

And he step in..and found out that

His father is on floor...

And his head was bleeding..

Some men's are holding his mother..

His mother is crying hard ..and begging also...

And some one is sitting on chair...

Like he is the... king...

After seeing this ..he can't stop himself and

Karan run toward the his father's direction.

And held his head on knees...

Karan's POV

I held my fathers head on my knees...

He is fully injured...

I didn't see him..like that before...

His eyes are little open...

I..i .. I can't proceed what happened...

And I was about to lift my father...

Then we can go to hospital...

But before that ..some one ..hit me from.. behind with iron rod...

And I lose my control...

I didn't wanted but I faint away...

Last scene I can see with my eyes..

Karan's Father (Siddharth)

Siddharth: you have to live..for us beta ...(with painful smile)

And my mom was continuously saying "run away Karan..."

And I left my consciousness..

End of karan's POV

The man who is sitting on couch like king..is Siddharth's enemy

End of the past

Present time

Tanya: then aunty..!?

Ruchi : then after some time I saw a new on tv.. about Siddharth sir and his family died in...house because of short circuit..

But in bottom of my heart..i know ..that ...that was not accident...

It's murder...but ..

U know beta ... I'm just ordinary people...so no one listens me..

But then i decided to find Karan...

Because in that burned house ... police can't found karan's body...

Then ...I try to find him...

And he found me in orphan...

Tanya is listening carefully..

Ruchi s voice cracked...

Ruchi : i bring him to my house...

We also go to police  ..and tell them truth'..but no one help us..

Then we leaved the city...

We came to my hometown Delhi...

But after 2 year's...when Karan was in school...

He got kidnapped..

Tanya is shocked..

Ruchi : me and my husband tried to find him..but we can't succeed..

Tanya: then how you find him...?

Ruchi : find him..?

Tanya nodded

Ruchi: he find..me..

Tanya: what..i mean I can't understand..?

Ruchi : then after few years my husband also died in heart attack...

And I used to live alone

And just 3 years ago...

When I was in Delhi...

Karan came to my house...

U know after 10 you years..

First' i didn't recognise him...but ..when he called me " dai "

I recognised him..

And after that he bring me to Paris...

Tanya: that mean you don't know..who kidnapped Karan..

Ruchi : i know...

Who kidnapped Karan?

And who is the enemy of Siddharth..?

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Take care 💕

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