Third rule

236 13 4

Karan: third rule is this...we are tomorrow..

After listening this .. Tanya is about to say something..but...

Karan : I'm not gonna ok..
So please your and my stuff..

Tanya : but...i want to ask you... can I..?

Karan: ofcourse you can baby...
(While looking at her eyes )

But she is not looking into his eyes..

Tanya: I want to meet my aunty... before we Paris..

Karan : yess ofcourse we..can baby...
We'll go tomorrow before our flight..
Is that okk..?

Tanya nodded..

Karan : words baby ..
(While holding her more close)

Tanya: I'll be ready ..early tomorrow..

Karan : yeah that's my wife .

With that Karan kissed Tanya on her forehead
And realese his grip from her waist..

Karan : let's sleep baby...

Tanya : hmm...

With that they both sleep...
Ofcourse they both shared room and bed too... because Tanya have no slept...
Beside back facing him...but .
Karan..grab her waist...from...back..and bring her close to him..

Karan : good night baby...
(In soft voice)

Tanya who is already scared from...his behaviour...

Time skipped to next morning

Tanya woke up ..but Karan is still sleeping.. and his hand was on her...

Some how she manages..too remove his hand...
And she succeed..

AFTER that she goes too washroom and ..did the routine...

But Karan is still sleeping...

She packed her and his .. stuffs...

And goes too down stairs...
And found that ...staff is already prepared breakfast...

But Tanya is busy to finding that aunty....whom she meet last night..

Then staff come to Tanya ..

Staff : mam do you need anything..?

Tanya: where is that aunty...

Staff: that is aunty is her room...

Tanya: i want too meet her...

Staff: sir...will say something ..

Tanya : who will tell him...
Please..i want too meet her..
(Pleading eyes)

Staff: okhh mam..(hesitantly)

Staff bring Tanya too that aunty's room..

Tanya first knock the door...but response...

Then after some time ..

..: who's there'..?

Tanya: this is Me aunty..

That aunty's name is Ruchi..

Ruchi: ohh is this you beta ..come inside...

Tanya enter in her room...and found that ..Ruchi planning to go somewhere..

Tanya: where are you going aunty..

Ruchi: ohh I'm..? No I'm not going anywhere..

Tanya : then this packing..?

Ruchi: I'm coming with you ..beta ..
To Paris...

After listening this Tanya is happy but .. confused..

Ruchi : i know you are confused..let me clear you...

Tanya nodded..

Ruchi : I'm like... karan's mom..
I mean..I used taker of him.. since he was .. child....

Tanya: means you know.. everything about him..

Ruchi : yess i know...

Tanya : can you please tell me... about him...
I mean about his past...or childhood...

Ruchi : hmm..pati ke bare me jannne me...itni betabi...
( So excited to about husband)

I know you all are exited to know about Karan....
(And the Target is 50 views on this episode)
But please ignore my grammar mistakes and please vote..
Hit me with your thoughts in comments...

Thank you

Take care ...

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