keep eye on her

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Karan's POV

I dropped her at University... I'm scared too for her...but ...she is happy..
I also put my two guard's on duty to security for her... because she is my priority but she didn't know about this... because she'll not like this that's why I do this ... I'm doing this with not knowing her..

I don't know..why all the mafia's get urgent meeting for smuggling of guns...

Ofcourse I have to go there' because without me ..they are nothing...
' I'm king of mafia '

With that I goes to toward mafia's special head quarters..

Which very secret...from outer world

Then i reached to there ..
And everyone stand up from their respective place..

They all bow there heads...they all are mafia's but i ...the king...

It doesn't matter then they are mafia's or cops...or politician...
No one open there mouths infront of me...
I hold the power to...make this all happen ..

I guesture them to sit

And goes to my chair...
Which are present in middle of the huge table...and that chair for only king..."that's me"

I sit there like Greek god..
And all of them started their perspective to explain...

But my whole concentration is not in meeting...
I was all thinking about Tanya... I don't know why .. I'm not getting good vibes...
Like something is gonna happen but ...i ignored it...and tried to Focus on meeting...then...i check my phone while meeting...

I saw the time... it's almost the time .. which is the end of the college time ..
½ hour is stilll left their for it...

" All of you can take we'll start this meeting again after 10mins.."

I ordered them in straight face

They all leave their chair...and goes out...

Then i message her while meeting..

"Call me when your college will end ... I'll come to pick you up.. because I'm in meeting"

I clicked on send.... button

And close my phone and keep it on table

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