who is that person...?

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Tanya saw back

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Tanya saw back ...and...that person was Karan ..yess Karan Singhania..

Tanya is fully shocked by seeing him...

But he is smiling at her aunt..

Maya : he save me ...tanu...

Tanya is Continuously thinking about something...

Maya : beta you know him...

Now tanya get panicked...

Tanya : no no ..i don't know him...
I'm meeting him first time...

Maya: yeah That's good...now meet...he is Karan Singhania..
And beta Karan she is my daughter Tanya...

Karan extended his hand to shake...

Tanya...do hand Shake with him...
But he is still holding her hand..

But after some time she yanked her hand ..and he leave her hand...but smirk...which her aunty can't see...

Maya : beta important thing is that...i told him about our everything...and you.. know..

Tanya: what..?

Maya : he is ready to marry you..

After listening this Tanya is about to fall but...

Tanya : why.  ?

Maya : beta ..u know I'm getting older day by day...and it's my responsibility..to choose good husband for you ( smiling)
And afterall he is diamond..u know..nah

Tanya: but aunty...

Maya : no buts beta ..I give you my swear please marry with him...(pleading)

Karan is watching all this ..

Karan : don't force her..if she doesn't wants to...

Maya : okh son..(sad face)

After seeing her aunt sad face...Tanya can't think anything...and

Tanya : I'm ready aunty... after all you choose him ...i trust you...(sad)

Maya is so happy now..
And Karan also ...

Time' skipped
At wedding day...

Tanya goes to Karan..
Without scarring...

Tanya: please sorry to ask but why you wants to marry me...
I do nothing...

Before she can complete her sentence..Karan pull her by waist...

Karan : shhh

Karan put his finger in her lips...

Karan : i know baby you did nothing but you know....
I started to get obsessed with...you...the day I kissed you ..you know it was my first kiss...but from the day ..i don't know..but a unknown feeling made in me ...

Tanya listing all this silently but she is scared too...

After seeing Tanya's condition Karan leave her...

Karan : don't worry baby... I'll not do anything bad to you...
Now come with me, we are getting late for our wedding...

Tanya wants to say but she couldn't...
She is fully shocked by seeing his actions..

She is also confused too ... about him...
But can't able to do anything...

(This was totally Indian wedding...
So I don't know about kuch about this...so please understand...)

Wedding ended..

Now Tanya's aunty is crying by hugging Tanya...

Maya : will you miss me dear ...

Tanya: yeass why not ..i don't want to leave you...(crying)

Maya: don't say like this.  Okk now go happily he is waiting...

Maya to Karan
Please I'm giving you my most expensive thing...take care of her ..

Karan : yess mom... I'll (smiling)

They leave..

Now what will happen to Tanya?

Why Karan wanted to marry with her..?

Is this his new plan or what..?

Please support and vote...and ignore my grammar mistakes...
Hit me with your thoughts in comments...

Thank you
Take care 💕

Thank youTake care 💕

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