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Here Ruhaan drop Tanya and Sneha at their houses

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Here Ruhaan drop Tanya and Sneha at their houses...and Ruhaan goes back to his house ..
At Singh's mansion
Kirti notice the tension between ruhaan and Tanya...
Kirti: Mr.ruhaan ...I notice something...
Ruhaan : about what..?(nervously)
Kirti :do you like Tanya...?
Ruhaan: yeah I do(looking down)
Kirti : then ... don't you tell her..!?
Ruhaan : I did mom...
Kirti : then..! what she said ..?
Ruhaan: she said .. she doesn't want to come on relationship now with anyone...
Kirti : ohh worries..
Ruhaan :huh?
Kirti : she will accept you ...
Ruhaan : nahh mom...she will never ,she is so focus about her studies..
Kirti : she will say yess ...
Ruhaan : seriously...(feeling pity)
Kirti : because I saw something which you can't...(smiling)

Time' skipped

At college "

Tanya was walking in garden then someone shout from behind..
Ruhaan : heyy ..Tanya
Tanya looked back to that side where from that voice come
Tanya : hello... what are you doing here..?
Ruhaan : I was just roaming here ..
Tanya : here ? I mean this is not so far from your House..
Ruhaan : ( awardly) ye..yea..yeahh yess I love the environment of this place...
Tanya : (smiling) ohh seriously
After seeing her smiling he also smiled..
.. Now Tanya also started to like Ruhaan because of his mind and good behaviour...
THE way Ruhaan's present make to feel Tanya is on another level..
Time skipped
On another side
*Someone is planning something else*
Ruhaan just on the way to pick up Tanya from her house .. this was become the daily routine of their life ..
All is going well in tanya's and Ruhaan's life..
But one day they was on the way of college then their bike's break got fail .. bike is getting in out of control..
Tanya : what happened Ruhaan...?
( Panicking)
Ruhaan's : ( not understanding what is happening)
Ruhaan: something is not good Tanya.. don't worry I'm with you ...
Tanya :(almost about to cry)
Then bike slipped and Tanya through out of the bike and landed on the hard road..and get unconscious..her head was bleeding..
But Ruhaan' was still stuck in bike..his leg is still stuck in bike...he tries to get free his leg... seeing Tanya's condition he cried hard... screaming her name from far to her up... Ruhaan feels so helpless that time..then A helicopter's noises come..and he see to upwards and that was a huge helicopter Landes on the ground..and one man get out the helicopter and started to walking towards Tanya's direction... Ruhaan feel something uneasy...
(Screaming and crying hard)
That man comes to Tanya and hold her..and going back to that helicopter
After seeing this Ruhaan' s heart get clinched...
AND Ruhaan also get unconscious....

Who is that man who kidnapped Tanya..?

What will happen to Tanya..?

What about Ruhaan..? Is he will find Tanya...?

Thank you

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