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Tanya was a quiet girl

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Tanya was a quiet girl ..she was used to live in her aunts house. But last year she got scholarship to came in paris for study. So she thought to go there for study .she is so thankful for her aunt, her aunt never taunt her ...her aunty raise her as her own child.....

* Time skipped in paris *
Tanya used to live in rent in paris, cause she doesn't get admission in hostel....the area she used to live in rent house is lil bit far away from city ...she can't aford a rent but this house has cheap rent ..that's why this is creepy ...her house is all empty. .she live alone there... She was confused..first that cheap price in whole house and area which that house is present is lil bit silent...less houses are present in that area..but who cares she ignores that reasons..

* New day *
After competing college lectures Tanya is going home ..first she took a bus ...bus stopped and she arrived not at her house...her house is in walking distance from bus stop.
All road is empty and silent ..only sone cars and vehicles passing from that way..Tanya put her earpods and starred to walk ignoring the silence. ..she was walking then....
A full speed mercedes pass througs her...and she snap out cause her one eaepod get slipped on the road...the lean downward ...to pick the earbud..but then Tanya heard a loud thud sound ...she see forwarded and find that. ..A car get Accident... That car is that one which her passed away. ..she ran to that direction... One the part of the car is started to burn in fire...she open the door and found a man in subconscious...his head is bleeding but his eyes are still open... Tanya held him and help him to get out of that car.. And car blast...somehow she manage to save ...and called the ambulance ...Ambulances take him to the hospital... Police (cop)also came there they inquiry to Tanya about Accident...Tanya tell them truth and they thank her for saving him...and she take leave...and goes to the her house thinking about Accident. .she is full shock because she is new in city she can't even know here anyone...she get shower and goes to sleep ...she is feeling uneasy ...and drift into sleep within a second


That man come in conscious and held his head ...one the nurse come to him and tried to console him...but not succeed then doctors and his secretary also come there and told them is in not good situation he need rest ....

?? :- what kind of rest ..?huh
He order to his man
??:- first find out ..who dare to do this ..!
All get shivers when he shouted on them...

Who is he?..why doctor's are scared of him..?

And who wants to kill him by Accident?

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Thank you ♡

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