her first kiss

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Before she can move

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Before she can move..he grabbed her by waist..kiss her agreesively...

She tried to free from his grip..but he is way more stronger than her..

He is kissing her.. impatiently..like thire is no tomorrow for him ...

He insert his tounge in her mouth...

Getting no response from her side..of kiss..he bite her lip and started to suck her lower lip
And after getting satisfied..
He leave her..

And touching his lips...by seeing in her direction..

She is crying...but now Karan is getting irritate by her crying...

" Please stop crying or else I'll do more ..and although I just kiss you.."
Then Tanya said feeling disgust.." you are really cruel "
" Yess I'm " he replied with smirking...

*Don't you have any mercy you fuc**ng monster..?".

" Mercy.. what was that..huh?"(while chuckleing )
Now stop your drama ..and come with me..( in serious tone)
Tanya was fully hateing him now she is crying and now he said drama..?

"I am not coming anywhere with you now it's enough"getting irritated by him ..

"What did you say you are not coming seriously..? (Calmly)
"I am not telling you I am ordering you.. better understand to come with me...or you know better.."

With that Tanya gose back to him. In front of her leading her way ...
Then he stand in front of the one of room and open the door and gestures Tanya to come inside...

This time she can't bare anything she is literally scared of him and she doesn't want to do anything crazy.. which will made him made...

Tanya come inside and he lock the door..

Karan goes to the direction of bed and sat on the bed.. and gestures Tanya to sat beside him by tapping on his left side of the bed ..

Tanya silently go and Sit... Distance from...

He laid beside her and Also held and trap her between his arm...

Holding her securely...

She feel little bit disgusting by his move and uncomfortable too..

But he didn't say anything and closes his eyes and slept...

Tanya didn't want to sleep with him but she have no options...

She fall in sleep after some time...

He was in deep sleep after so many days...

She woke up and found that monster..beside her.. sleeping peacefully..

Tanya's POV
How calm he look in sleep..but in reality..he is way more dangerous...by the way why I'm thinking about him... stop looking at him..or may be admiring him..i said to myself..
I tried to free myself..but he is holding me by my waist..i tried to remove his hand from my waist but failed..
Tanya's POV

Authors POV
Tanya is trying to free herself from karan's hold ..

The more she tried..then tightly he pulled her..

Another side...

Ruhaan: I'm coming Tanya....wait for me...

wait for me

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