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Authors p o vTanya was laying on bed suddenly she open her eyes but her head is till paining she woke up and found herself on bed and started to realising the things how she came here

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Authors p o v
Tanya was laying on bed suddenly she open her eyes but her head is till paining she woke up and found herself on bed and started to realising the things how she came here.. before she can even think someone spoke end authors POV
Karan: finally woke up.. how are you feeling..?
Tanya: what happened to me..( trying to think somethink)
Karan: nothing you are just get out of sense ..? Or maybe trying to act...
Tanya: I I was not acting that time I really fainted...( Trying to convince)
Karan: whatever I am not going your lie... Now tanya is really got frustrated listening that same thing which she never did.. because of frustration she shouted at him..
Karan : now you grow your dare  to shout on you..? Don't you know the consequences..huh??
He goes toward her direction and clean her hair in his fist tightly.. started to grown in pain...
Tanya: leave me you monster you  caged me for no reason... Ruhaan will come and save me from you..
After listening  ruhaans name from her mouth again get frustrated and angry... Pull her hair aggressively... And said
Karan: you better to shut your mouth... Aur I will never think to kill you.. UNDERSTOOD PRINCESS..? MAYBE YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND...

Tanya is crying hard without making any noise.. he leave  her hair.. and said
Karan: eat before I come forget you are medicines on time..?!... Silence remain as well as
Karan: word words princess...
Tanya : I will never eat food from your place..( crying but getting angry because of his behaviour)
Karan: oh really you will never I will see...(smirking)
And with this he left the room leading her all alone in his room she set on bed thinking about Ruhaan.. why doesn't he come to save her why..? Can't you find her this is since 2 days or more than three days she is here in that monsters cage... She started to crying and screaming... For help.!!..
Time skipped at evening
Tanya again heard the unlocking sound from door and she saw to that direction but this time made come in room with food tray..
Maid: mam this is your food please get it..
Tanya: I .I .don't. want .to.
Maid: mam please get your food or sir will kill us...(while shuttering)
Tanya: DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND IN ONE LANGUAGE I SAID I DON'T WANT TO EAT GET OUT OF THE ROOM...(she said this  almost screaming and shouting)
Maid: ma'am I am leaving this plate and tray here please get your food on time..
with that saying made left the room.. Tanya was getting angry and more angry... Yep she is angry on him he caged her for no reason this is the reason she got frustration and anger in that she through the plate on the floor.. and that plate break into two pieces and all the food spread on the floor...
Time skipped at night
Karan come back to home...
And ask made did she eat??
Maid:no sir..
Karan: then what are you all doing...
Maid: sir ..!! ma'am through the plate on the floor and locked herself in room..
Karan: ohhh she
wants concequences ..? (Smirking)

? (Smirking)

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