I want to kiss you

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Tanya's POV

Finally he open his eyes ..
But still holding me from my waist..why he is not removing  his hands ...
Of wait is he is smiling..?

Yess  Dumbo he is smiling

While looking at my face ..
Is there something on my face or....
Wait why his eyes going to my lips...
Is he wants to kiss..

No no...got up from bed Tanya before he can do anything

I was about to get from bed but...he again pulled me back..
I can feel my heart Beats are stopped now.. because of his closeness...


He pulled her wrist ..back to him...and...Hover over her

He is hovering her ..
She is definitely not looking in his eye's but he is staring her with smile on his face ...
"Open your eyes"
He said in demanding tone...but in Lil bit gentle voice...

She is just closeing her eyes tightly...not having courage to look in his eye's....
But when he asked for it...
She have too do ..
She slowly open her eyes .
And look in his dark once ...which are looking sleepy ..his half face is covered with his dark brown hair...
Which are messy .. ofcourse

When she open her eyes slowly he smiled at her..and said
" Good morning"
With still smile is present on his lips

"Um good morning"
She said in low voice..with force' fully smiling because she is nervous...
And due to nervousness she can't even smile properly...she wants to smile too... because it's...first time he is greeting her with smile
But her nervousness made her smile forcefully...he is still hovering her that make her nervous

He noticed that she is smiling but...with not that genuine smile which she used to smile...
Still he ignored.. because he is in good...mood ...
The reason is..he got good sleep after so many days...

" You are looking beautiful"
He said... while putting big strand of her hair back...too get view...

After listening this...she got more nervous... because this type of compliments are new...for her ....and specially from him...
So her nervousness is necessary

She is thinking what to reply him..but then he said " I want to kiss you "
He cleared what he wants...which make Tanya's eyes wide in shock ..
But her cheeks getting red too...
First he compliment her...and now this...
She knows he is not asking her permission too kiss her..
He can kiss... without even letting her know and her permission..

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