Body heat

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Chapter 44

Aurthors POV

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Aurthors POV

He slowly removed both of 's shirts...
As soon he removes Tanya hugged him...

Deep down he knows... she'll not gonna hug herself.. it's viagra.. whom making her to do this...

He also hugged back...

Tanya is feeling better..

But here

Karan is controlling hard himself...for what...?

He knows why ..?

Seeing Tanya this closely...and she is doing all this by herself..

Controlling himself is getting hard for him...

Still he closed his eyes... to..not get distracted ....

If he'll lost his control...then something will happen which are not good...

He is not only controlling himself..but his feelings for her... makeing it worse...

She peacefully placed her head on his chest... feeling comfortable

He smiled a little...for her cute actions...

Feeling good he also closed his eyes sleep....

In morning

A single sunlight is passing through window...hit to Tanya's forehead...

Which make ... disturb in her sleep...
She open her eyes... flickering...


Tanya's POV

I'm feeling so much pain in my head... I don't want to open my eyes...but due to sunlight...I need to ...

When I open it ..and.......

Found myself shorts and bra..


What the actual hell..

What happened to last night...


Did he..?

Or I'm the one...?

I got so panicked...

That i covers myself with blanket...

My head his already paining like hell now this mess...

What is happening...

Why can't I remember the last night'....

I'm all thinking this while sitting on bed ....

The door of room opened
None of other than...Karan open it

Seeing him...I got more panick...and try to cover myself more possible

He is just staring at me with having little smile on his face...

Wait.. does he...?

" Don't think much "
He said while smirking

" What happened last nigh-"
Asked in low voice...but he inturputed

Glaring at my soul'...he made my mouth shut...

He comes closer to bed with ...slow steps...

Now it's getting worse...
Why he is behaving like...

God kal raat ka kuch yaad kyu nhi aarha muze..

Sit beside me... A step back ...a little...but my back hit the ...wall of bed...

He comes more closer to me

This time my breath get .. uncontrollable...

My heart is skipping beats....

He placed his hand on my left cheek...


" Take good bath and come downstairs for breakfast...okay..!"
He said while having a little smile on his face....

Vaise to ye banda bohot Kam hasta hai butt....

With that he left the room

Umm ...iss bande ko.   ..kitne dore padte 🙂....

I stood up from bed .. while holding blanket till my chest and goes straight to bathroom...

I took quick shower ...

To relax my mind...but my little mind still have no clue about last time...

So I thought to ask Karan...when I'll go downstairs for breakfast...

I wore comfortable clothes...just because my mind is still feeling dizzy...


And straight goes to downstair

I saw Karan is sitting there..on dinning table

I just saw in his direction only to get in an awkward eye contact with me

I just look side normal

But I can see he is smiling..on my dumb action

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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