Chapter 1 page 3 The big bad city

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Jolting back to reality, I wiped my head around and pushed myself into the corner, up against the window and seat.
The lights flickered a bit, and I heard the engine turn off and come back on?
I had felt someone touch my shoulder suddenly.
Looking over, I saw a group of guys around my age.
The guy who had touched me looked worried, as if he had done something wrong.

??? :"Hey, a-are you heading to the park? Would you like to go together? You looked kind of lonely here, and-"

Cutting him off and not thinking I said "No n-no... t-thanks..."

He looked embarrassed, starting to back away. He said, "Oh, eh, sorry."

Going to get off the bus, I heard his friends start to nag at him. I felt awful.
All he probably wanted was a new friend and to build up the courage to talk to a stranger.
If I hadn't been scared and nervous beyond belief, this could have been so different.
I could have said something nice, like

(Hey, I can't hang out with you right now because I'm getting something for my mom, but here's my number.
I would love to talk or even hang out with you later.)

It could have been so nice, but instead, I ruined it. curling up into a little ball and beating myself up for what had happened.
I almost missed my stop grabbing my bag I got off the bus and looked around.
The city was big and crowded. I was not a fan of this, and I started to panic until I snapped back.

(medication! I'm here for my mother's medication.)

Looking at my phone real quick to see where her pharmacy was.
now knowing where to go, I headed over
After getting there unscathed, I headed to the counter and asked the lady behind it about my mother's medication. After waiting a few minutes, the lady handed me a little baggie with my mother's medication.
Now that I had the goal in hand, all I had to do was wait for the bus out.
The bus to the city would only take an hour and 30 minutes, and walking to the pharmacy and then talking to the lady took around 30 minutes, with half an hour left I quickly unzipped the middle pouch of my backpack so Mystic could place her hand on my shoulder.
I made my way back to the bus stop.
We made it back in good time, what with the sudden attention, apparently it wasn't normal seeing a girl with a big cat resting on said girl's shoulder.
Not liking the attention, I guess it just encouraged me to speed up my pace.
Now at the bus stop, all I had to do was wait.
The bus wouldn't be here for 25 minutes, lovely... and Mystic was still getting a lot of attention
It came in a big variety, from people laughing and yelling, "There's a cat in a bag, or you're not in a fancy game, chick, get a life," to people aw-ing over her and getting uncomfortable close to touch her, and people talking loudly about this being animal abuse.
All I wanted was to go home.
There was too much going on here.
My breathing quickened, and I started to feel pressure in my belly.
It was like someone had filled a balloon with hot water and was squeezing it. There was something in my head telling me to run away from all these people, but I knew that was a bad idea.
I needed to wait until the bus came.
So I put my head down and closed my eyes. I felt Mystic put her head on top of mine and a fluffy paw on either shoulder.
I tried to steady my breathing and tried to force on something anything... then I heard someone singing it was beautiful.
Carefully lifting my hand up and opening my eyes, I saw what looked like a bar in front of me. Well, that would explain all those people who seemingly forgot what personal space was.
looking through the bar's window I saw a woman singing to some music. It was lovely. She was singing an unfamiliar song, and the fact that I didn't know it made me want to listen all the more.
The woman was in a beautiful dress with different shades of green; her hair was red and curly, and she had freckles. She looked amazing up on the little stage, and next to her off the stage was a sign in fancy big font that read "karaoke night."

It looked so fun to be on stage entertaining a bunch of people; if I were up there, I would just make a fool of myself.
Finely calming down and now starting to feel left out, as if my life was off on a big adventure and forgot to bring me with.
I turned way from the bar and back to the blue sign, just to realize that it wasn't a bus stop sign no it was the bar sign.
(Oh shite?!)
wiping my head around trying to find the bus stop, I finally found it on my phone's maps. It was behind the bar, so I deciding to save time by cutting through the alleyway.

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