Chapter 3 page 12 goose chase 

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It had been a couple hours since we left Sanctuary, and I was still worried about the whole vault hunter thing, although my worries started to slip away since we were at our fifth bandit camp and there was still no sign of this vault hunter other than the multiple bloodbaths this guy would leave behind.

As Maya got back into the vehicle, I wrote down on my notepad

"Are we ever going to find this guy?"

She replied, "Yes, we will. We just have to catch up with him. He's quick with his jobs."

A bit of me was relieved to know that we were not going to find him anytime soon, but I was also curious to know who I had been teamed with.

The vehicle came to yet another stop, now we were at our sixth bandit camp.

Maya and Krieg got out of the vehicle and started up to a cave.
There was probably yet another camp in there, so the one on my side of the vehicle was technically our seventh bandit camp.

almost an hour later, Maya and Krieg were nowhere in sight

(I might as well poke my head in and see what's going on in the other camp)

getting out of the vehicle and slowly moving towards the base I peered in
there were bodies everywhere.

It was terrifying how clean the wounds and cuts were.

At the end of the bloodbath was a building with an open door? I figured it was safe since everyone here was either dead or hiding, so I wondered in

It was a small room with rad eyes panted everywhere and dry and relatively fresh blood that was probably used to paint the eyes

It was rather unsettling, to say the least. Something caught my attention at the end of the room, so I went to take a look as I took one last step forward into the little space, I wondered what it was used for my question was soon answered when the floor I was standing on started shaking and slowly descending.

I was frozen internally, panicking.
(Should I let this thing take me down? On the one hand, this is all terrifying, but on the other, I was actually having some fun exploring, but Maya might get in trouble if I get hurt-)

I was so busy thinking of what-if's that I didn't even notice that the weird elevator had stopped, and by the time I snapped out of it, the floor was going up so without thinking I jumped out.

(I guess I don't really have a choice now.)
I wondered down a hallway into another bloody room.

I saw a door at the end, so I walked over and peered out, ignoring all the blood and cult stuff as I did so.

Looking out into the next room, it was the size of a warehouse with bodies lining the floor, and on the other side of the room, there was some kind of commotion, gunshots, and incoherent yelling.

I really wanted to see who this vault hunter was, so taking a step forward, I looked around; there were some pipes I could climb up

(if I could get up to the rafters, I would probably be safe and be able to see what was going on over there!)

I managed to get all the way up the pipes and over to the rafters.

I was slowly crawling over to the noise till I was right over head
I peered down and saw bandits dropping dead left and right, all I could see was a grayish blur of a figure dashing all around.

I watched as the figure finished the last bandit and just stood there, taking in his handiwork.

He looked like a ninja standing there with his sword drawn; it was kind of cool

(Heh, I'm happy I'm not down there with him)

...And it was at that moment the thin pipe I was hanging on to for dear life gave out from underneath me.

The front end of the pipe fell, and I was swung forward
I lost my grip and fell face first on the ground in front of the assassin, or, eh, more like, on top of the assassin.

I pushed myself up and was face-to-face with a black visor, but that wasn't the worst part I quickly realized what position I was in.

My hands were placed on his chest, and a leg was on either side of his waist
in other words, I was basically straddling him...

I quickly jumped off him, landing on my butt yet again.

I waited for him to get up and point a gun or sword at me, but instead he just laid there.

(...did I hurt him?) I decided to check.

I slowly inched up to him and reached over to rub his upper arm when suddenly he started flickering like a hologram?!

I scrambled back and bumped into someone else
I quickly jumped to my feet and turned, seeing the same guy standing in front of me.

(Wait w-what?)

He looked down at me, and a red question mark appeared on his visor as he spoke.

| ? | "Who are you?"

(...Huh, I d-don't have my notebook with me, ummm this is awkward.)

The masked men said, clearly growing impatient.

I thought I was out of luck until I heard a familiar voice yell out

"Vision Zer0, there you are!"


My saviors had arrived.

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