Chapter 2 page 11 Sanctuary

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"Wake up, sleepy head, we're here."

I came to from a groggy haze.
I was slumped on a bench with Maya standing in front of me, and to my side I saw Krieg petting Mystic.

"Hey, we're going to need you to be awake so we can talk to Lilith, okay?"

I nodded my head and stood up a bit wobbly.
Maya looked at me for a moment and asked, "When was the last time you got a proper night's rest?" I shrugged.

She shook her head. "Ok, follow me." I did, and so did Mystic, although Krieg stayed behind.
Walking into the city, it was so surreal.
We walked up to a building with a big banner that read


Heading into the building, the bottom looked like a laundromat.
Maya was quick to push me up the stairs.
We stopped in a hallway, and she told me to stay put while she went to turn in a mission and to let Lilith and Roland know about my situation before she introduced me.

About 20 minutes had passed, so I looked around.
The room busied the one Maya went in was open so I peered in, and to my surprise, we were in the sky!? (eh, I am not a fan of this)

"Hey, come on over, Lilith and Roland are ready to talk." Maya said
I walked behind her into a living room/ bedroom, and in the next room was their headquarters.

I saw a beautiful woman with tattoos going down the left side of her body she had red hair and red eyes
Next to her was a well-built man with sort-cut hair and dark eyes. He had a serious look in his eyes
The woman, however, had a softer expression she looked a little confused.

I wondered why then I realized I had been hiding behind Maya, so I immediately took a nervous step to the side so they could see me
"Hey, I'm Lilith, and this is Roland, and you are?"
"..." I really did not want to use my actual name so I stayed quiet not knowing what to say.

Maya spoke up, "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I don't think they can talk"
(technically I could, I just didn't really want to)

Lilith paused for a second before saying
"Then how the hell are we supposed to understand them?"
Roland looked pained as he walked over to a table and grabbed a small notepad and pen, then he walked over to me and handed them over

Lilith perked up.
"Huh, why didn't I think of that? Okay, then what's your name?"
I felt like it was time for a change. I loved my name, but it didn't feel like me anymore, so for now, until I could figure something out, I went with "Vision."

Lilith read it out loud, "Vision, okay, Maya told us that you escaped Helios.
I would like to know what happened there and why you're here."

I nodded my head and wrote everything that had happened on Helios and how I didn't know I would end up on Pandora.
I just didn't want them to do painful tests and experiments on me or Mystic.

Lilith finished reading it out loud and said,
"Well, we could always use new recruits for the resistance, and I currently have a vault hunter out on his own right now, so I'll set you two up as partners for now till we defeat Jack, but in the meantime, while me and Roland think of a plan, this guy can help you figure out the ropes, Maya
Why don't you and Krieg go find him and let him know about his new teammate, and also bring Vision along with you."

Maya answered, "Will do. Ok, let's go," and with that, we were off.

I decided to leave my backpack at HQ and take the first aid kit and my water container.
Mystic stayed with Lilith, who was now awing over her.

While Maya and I were walking back to Krieg I was stuck in my head, panicking about helping the vault hunters.
I could barely protect myself How was I supposed to help? I thought back to the alleyway, where Mystic had almost been killed trying to save me

(this is going to be a train wreck)

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