Chapter 1 page 4 The big bad city

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The alleyway was mostly taken over by Maas and vines. It was surreal, the way the buildings loomed over me.
going at a slow sprint I was about to pass a door with a light over it when suddenly I felt someone grab me by my shirt shoving me against one of the buildings.
I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't even think my mind was scattered. Glancing around frantically, I didn't see anyone else here, and there were no cameras either.
I felt something sharp against my neck. (Oh god's) this person had a knife.
I was scared. I didn't know what this person was going to do with me or what he wanted.
Frozen in place by the sudden adrenaline rush and fear, what happened next felt like slow motion.
My cat jumped out of my backpack, letting out a terrifying sound followed up by hissing, and landed on the person, knocking them onto the ground.
What felt like hours had only been seconds before the adrenaline finally did its thing, and the only thing on my mind was my familiars safety.
That switch in my head was flipped once more, scrambling to get her away from the danger, yanking her off the person.
I caught a glimpse of them swinging their knife up at her.
This person was trying to hurt my familiar!
Now I was pissed off.
I held Mystic close and buried my face into her fur, then I kicked out at the jagoff.
I assume my boot hit their wrist because two seconds later I heard metal hitting the ground; most likely it was their knife.
Lifting my head and running for the bus, anger being replaced by panic.
Now I had to get to the bus.
With my head up now, I notice a light flickering on and off rapidly, illuminating the entire alleyway. It must've been the light over that door?
As soon as I stepped out of the alley, I heard a loud pop followed by glass hitting the ground.
The bus finally arrived.
I climbed up, pausing for a second, realizing I had forgotten to hide Mystic in my backpack.
I looked up at the bus driver.

Me: "Um, I'm sorry, but am I allowed to bring my cat on here?"

The guy looked over at me for a second.

Bus driver: "Look, lady, I've had people bring worse stuff on this bus. I don't care if you bring your cat along. Now, are you getting on or not."

Without saying anything, I paid a small fee and headed to the back of the bus, taking a seat.
I started to think about everything that happened today.
I had caused more harm than good, thinking back to the morning with my mom.
I had ruined our time together
And that guy on the bus earlier, I embarrassed him in front of his friends by being rude to him.
And then what happened in the city Mystic and I cased a seen, and I had almost been mugged or worse.
lastly Mystic and I assaulted that person, although I didn't feel as bad about that knowing he was trying to hurt my familiar.
I started to get lost in my head as I sat there.

(Look at the idiot who thinks she did something nice by piking up her mother's medication. You ruined everyone's day.)

Here we go again

(I didn't mean to; this was my first time on public transportation, and being in the city on my own, I think I did better than I expected.)

(better than you expected. You weren't even thinking you went out on your own to the city, lying to your own mother, saying you were going on a walk with your cat, speaking of which you almost got her killed, and your saying you think everything went well. Why can't you just be a good little girl and listen to your mom.)

I felt like I wanted to cry.
I felt a fluffy heart beat against mine.
I looked down to see Mystic had fallen asleep on my lap It reminded me of a baby, but much cuter.
her head was resting on my shoulder, while on my other shoulder, her paw was parsley over it.
She had also rapped her tail around us, so I sat there trying to empty my head while we waited for the bus to come to a stop.
The bus finally came to a stop.
Seeing that Mystic was still asleep, I gently put her in my backpack, then got up and went.
My body ached and my legs wanted to give out, so I started to go over everything I had in my backpack ether then my fluffy friend.
My backpack was meant for situations where we had to leave the house in a hurry.
In the front pouch were some basic hygiene necessities, such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner mix, along with a first aid kit and a snap-cold ice pack. It looked like a fox's head, it was cute.
Now for the side pouch's for the left one, I had put some canned cat food and a water bottle in it, and for the right one, another water bottle and some shelf-stable food and as for the two middle pouches,
The first one currently held my cat and a blanket, along with a baggie of random clothes.
And in the second pouch were three small sketchbooks along with a pencil pouch, a fox plush, and a book of a creepy cat, and the last thing I remember throwing in was a thing of roll-on perfume? Oh yeah, and the stuff I had tossed in earlier was a game block, my wallet water container, and a lunchbox.
That last one reminded me of the lack of food in my stomach... and with everything that had happened, my appetite was completely gone.
By the time I made it home, and gave the medicine to my mother I was sure to have an earful so I'd probably just put my food in the fridge when I got back.

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