Caught red handed

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"I think this has gone a bit wrong" Jeongin said squatted behind a crate.
"Really? You think Jeongin? I thought those men holding armed guns running in our direction were just having a light jog for fun" Hyunjin armed his own gun.
"Now is not the time for your sarcasm Hyunjin" Changbin said staring at him.
"Why? Would you prefer the good old we are all going to die speech instead" Hyunjin smiled back.

The plan had not gone well. Stray Kids had made a good plan which if done correctly should be finished in no more than 30 minutes. The eight of them split up into two groups. The distraction and money takers. The distraction got caught too early and were now in an ongoing battle with the guards of the place.
Another gang known as Vipex had betrayed the deal they had with Stray Kids so they were getting their revenge.

While the distraction had the most adrenaline job the money takers had the most difficult. In order to get their money they needed to get to their lock room and bypass all their difficult security. The room was set up into two sections with glass halving the room into two parts with one door allowing you access through.

"Don't be a douche" Changbin said.
"Then don't argue with me" Hyunjin stuck his tongue out.
"You" Changbin jabbed his finger at him but Chan nudged his way in.
"When we get back to the house you are both getting a yelling at" Chan said.
"Noooo Chan" they both complained as Chan looked over the crates seeing the men get closer.
"Get out alive with no arguing and I might let you off" Chan said.
"I should have gone with the other four" Jeongin sighed defeated as he aimed his gun over the crates and shot two of the men stopping them all from moving forward any further.

They aimed their guns and began shooting where Jeongin was as he ducked back down.
"Can we leave yet?" Jeongin asked hopefully.
"Well we are the distraction are we not? Sadly we are stuck here until the other four finish what they are doing" Changbin said barely missing a bullet that went through the crate.
"As much as I love being the distraction these crates are not going to hold up forever" Hyunjin said.

"Hey you lot" Chan put his hand to his ear piece turning it up to hear it better "are you nearly done we are hitting our limit".

While the distraction were running for their lives Seungmin, Felix, Jisung and Minho entered the lock room.
"This just looks weird, who looks at a room and goes let's put a massive pane of glass in the middle with a door" Felix said pulling a face.
"What bad designers" Seungmin judged.

"Do we know which computer we need or can it be any of them?" Jisung asked as he looked around the room and went through the door onto the other side of the pane of glass.
"Were you not listening to Chan at all?" Minho asked surprised he could hear Jisung from behind the glass.
"Well I'm sorry Minho. I'm sorry that I can't remember the technological element which doesn't concern me" Jisung said.
"Both of you cut it out. You can argue when we get back but not now" Seungmin sighed.
"Come on Minho you don't need to be like that. He's new give him some leeway, it is his first mission after all" Felix said and he sat on a spinning chair and slid himself over to a computer.
He pressed on the computer as the screen switched on.

"Whatever, Jisung get your ass onto this side of the room" Minho said.
"What have I ever done to you?" Jisung looked annoyed.
Minho rolled his eyes.

Felix went and typed the password into the computer and clicked enter.
"Wait Felix don't press it without the keycard" Seungmin reached forward but it was too late.
All the computers shut themselves down and turned off frazzling out the cords to stop them from working again.
A red light on Jisung's side of the room lit up and the door separating the room closed and locked itself.
Jisung rushed forward and tried to pull the door open but it wouldn't work.
"Oh no" Jisung's eyes went wide as he stood back and looked at the other three behind the glass.

At that same time a buzz came through Minhos earpiece as Chans voice came into hearing.
"Hey are you lot done we are nearly hitting our limit"

"Yknow Chan do you want the good news or the bad news first" Minho said.
"Just hurry up" Chan said.
"Wow rude. Anyway so good news we have found the room.....Bad news it's taking a little bit longer than we had hoped" Minho said.
"Why what happened?" Chan said as he shot a guard point blanc in the head.
"Felix accidentally triggered the security" Minho sighed.
"IM SORRY I didn't mean to" Felix's voice was heard in the back of Chans earpiece.

"Don't worry we are going to have Seungmin on the computer unlocking the security" Minho said.
"Okay thanks Minho. Do hurry up we can't distract much longer" Chan said just as he grabbed Jeongin and hauled him up.

The four of them ran into the room they had previously entered in and shut the door. Not that it would do much against bullets.
"You have approximately 5 minutes before we need to get out. Then they will figure out you guys are in there and come for you" Chan said as he watched Changbin push a large object in front of the door.
"That's fine we will be done quickly" Minho said.

"ERM HELLO. WHAT ABOUT ME??" Jisung's loud voice was heard all the way down Chans end.
"What was that?" Chan asked.
"Nothing Jisung's just being over dramatic since it's his first mission" Minho smiled.
"DRAMATIC MY ASS" Jisung yelled.

"My fault. I didn't swipe the keycard and Jisung's trapped on the other side of the room" Felix leaned to Minhos earpiece.
"He will be let out when I breach the security" Seungmin said looking round the back of one of the computers.

"You have 4 minutes of distraction left tops. After that you have 5-10 minutes to get out before they find out you have breached the lock room" Chan said.
"Go" Minho said "we will be fine".
Minho heard the earpiece click out and then looked at Seungmin.

"Looking here the computers are fried. When the security was triggered it must do this to protect assets. However this instruction must be given by the main computer so that one shouldn't be fried. Everyone look for a computer with a sticker on the back saying MC. It should have a number like 0325 or 143" Seungmin said.

Everyone helped look around.
"Only that computer can bypass the security" Seungmin said.
"Erm slight issue" Jisung said.
"What did you say? Say it slightly louder the glass is in the way" Felix said.
"We have an issue" Jisung said louder.
"What is it?" Seungmin said.
"The main computer is on my side of the room" Jisung said and everyone froze.

"Oh no" Felix said.
"I can't get to you. You will need to do the coding" Seungmin said worried.
"What I can't do that? I can barely update my own laptop" Jisung said.
"You have to try, we don't have time" Felix said.
"Great. We are doomed" Minho slapped his forehead lightly.

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