How relaxing...Not

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"Put your arm up like this it will help block attacks" Felix said raising his arm to show Jisung.
"Like this?" Jisung asked.
"Yeah. Because look if I attack you like this" Felix did a slow motion attack into Jisung's arm "it will protect your vital points and you can strike back. How about you give it a go".
Jisung got into a defence stance while Felix took a few steps back before swinging a leg towards Jisung. Jisung blocked it with his new technique and then swung an attack back at Felix.
Felix swiftly dodged the attack and threw and lower body attack sweeping Jisung off him feet and onto the floor.

"Well I knew I was never going to beat you" Jisung laughed.
"No need to feel bad about it. I am the best close combat fighter of the group" Felix winked.
"Thank you my great Sensei" Jisung bowed.
"Don't do that" Felix laughed and Jisung joined in.
"Your sessions are always the most fun" Jisung smiled as they both got back into a fighting stance.

30-40 minutes later the two boys came upstairs for dinner. Expecting the room to be full of the members they walked in to find only Jeongin and Chan.
"Where's everyone else?" Felix asked.
"Well Hyunjin fell asleep, Changbin ate so many Hot Cheetos he's no longer hungry, Seungmin won't answer our calls and Minho is in the shower so I decided to just cancel the meeting during dinner. You can have what you would like and I'll go over everything tomorrow" Chan said as he ate his noodles with Jeongin.

"What not having spicy noodles Chan?" Jisung asked.
"Yeah we know how much you love spicy noodles" Felix taunted.
Chan stopped eating.
"Traumatic memories resurface" Jeongin said under his breath continuing to eat his noodles.
"Both of you have 5 seconds to get out of my eye line before these noodles become your new hairstyle" Chan said.
Both boys bolted faster than they had ever before.

"That was eventful" Jisung said laughing.
"Let's hope he forgets we said that when extra training comes around" Felix chuckled at they began making some noodles for themselves.
Eating was quick and it wasn't long before everyone had retired to their rooms for the night.

"Wow what a day" Jisung fell onto his mattress and stayed still. He was so tired he couldn't wait to sausage roll himself into the covers to keep him warm.
He stood himself back up and took a quick shower before getting changed and into bed. He was nice and comfy when he remembered he had training at 9am.
"Should I put an alarm on?" He spoke to himself.
He stayed silent for a few more moments.
"Nah I'll wake up by then" Jisung closed his eyes and let himself drift away into his dreams.





Jisung woke up with a start and opened his eyes to see Felix in his face.
"Whaaaaaat" Jisung groaned as he put his arm over his eyes.
"Did you not set an alarm?! Do you know what time it is?!?!" Felix said urgently as if their lives depended on it.
Jisung rolled over to look at his alarm clock.


"SHHIITTTT" Jisung shot up and banged his head on Felix's shoulder blade.
"Ow" Jisung whimpered.
"Get up" Felix dragged Jisung out of the bed and towards the bathroom.

Jisung grabbed some clothes on the dresser with him and closed the bathroom door. He jumped in the shower for a few minutes and then threw on his clothes.
He left the bathroom and grabbed some socks and while trying to put them on they would not cooperate and kept getting stuck.

"Hurry up" Felix said.
"I know. I know. Oh god I'm gonna die" Jisung stood up and grabbed his phone.
"Don't be dramatic" Felix sighed "you sound like Hyunjin.
"At least Hyunjin wouldn't kill me. I've got Minho for shooting practice and he already hates me" Jisung groaned.
"He doesn't hate you, he's just emotionally constipated" Felix said.

"Yea well Minho will say something nice when pigs fly" Jisung said rushing out the room and down the corridor.
"GOOD LUCK" Felix yelled back watching Jisung disappear out the door.

Felix walked the opposite way down to where he would be completing a run with Hyunjin and Changbin.
"Yknow now that I think about it Minho could be nice to you" Felix spoke to himself "if you need to wait until pigs fly we did chuck Changbin once. He flew for a good few seconds".

Felix smiled as he looked out the window where the two were already waiting.
"At least I know I won't get yelled at hahaha" Felix laughed at himself then felt immense embarrassment but shrugged it off. It's not like anyone was around to see him being stupid.

Felix walked off as a puff of hair popped out from a room.
"What on earth was Felix going on about" Jeongin tilted his head confused while sipping a cup of milk.
"Jeongin stop looking at the wall and get in here I'm trying to teach you how to code" Seungmin yelled from inside the room.
"Sorrrryy" Jeongin leaned back in and shut the door.

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