Some bad news

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"Why can't I have my own knife to cut up the toast?" Minho asked grumpily while Chan cut his toast for him.
"You just tried to kill Changbin. You get a knife when you have calmed down" Chan said sliding the plate in front of Minho.
"He had it coming. What do you expect when you all wake me up with the damn megaphone" Minho stared angrily at Changbin who was ignoring his glare while reaching for the jam.
"Just eat your toast" Chan said while passing Felix the apple juice.

"How did you two sleep by the way? You both looked pretty cozy" Hyunjin asked wiggling his eyebrows.
"Nice, Minho legs were surprisingly comfy" Jisung said with no hesitation.
"Not bad" Minho agreed.

The room went silent.

"Wait wait wait wait....wait" Hyunjin waved his arms around "aren't you going to say something about how Jisung's body cramped your legs or something".
"What do you mean?" Minho bit his toast.
"Don't 'what do you mean' me" Hyunjin gasped "wheres angry Minho gone who scrutinises Jisung every move".
"My sleep was fine" Minho ignored Hyunjin question.
"What a development" Felix clasped his fingers together.
"Character growth" Changbin copied Felix's gesture.
"I may not have a knife Changbin but this plate can make a pretty good frisbee" Minho looked up.

"Chan I feel threatened" Changbin looked to his left.
"No more threats at the table" Chan didn't even look up from his food.
"It's wasn't a threat. Merely an observation" Minho smiled evilly.
"Chan" Changbin said.
"Sounds like you both want to do even more training" Chan said.
That shut both of them up.

"Right since everyone is at the table and seems to be quiet I have some things to go over. Felix already knows I need to talk to you all so I'm assuming he told you guys that" Chan said.
"Yeah Felix said. We don't know what about" Jeongin said.
"I'm assuming it's on what happened yesterday" Seungmin said.
"Precisely Seungmin" Chan clicked and pointed at Seungmin "I have some bad news and some good news. What does everyone want to hear first?".
"Good news" Felix blurted out.
"Good news, training will go back to usual times and extra training doesn't need to be done anymore" Chan said.
"YES" Jeongin punched the air.
"What's the bad news?" Minho asked.
"Instead of extra training we will be going over a mission to take out and destroy the entirety of the Vipex gang" Chan said sipping his coffee like it was nothing.
Changbin choked on his drink hearing that and launched into a coughing fit. He hit his chest for a few moments before looking at Chan.

"Please tell me you're joking Chan. You can't be serious" Changbin coughed.
"Deadly" Chan said.
"Why us? We aren't the biggest gang why can't one of the other gangs at the meeting do it" Jisung asked.
"We attacked the Vipex gang before the meeting. Even though they made the first moved and we just retaliated the other gangs don't see it that way. They feel we are majority to blame and the bomb was meant for us" Chan sighed.
"What if we don't do it? What if we leave the gangs to deal with their own shit?" Seungmin asked.
"Then we end up on the blacklist for all gangs. We will make many enemies and if they all band together to get rid of us we are dead" Chan poured himself another coffee.

"The gangs can't be serious? After what's just happened everyone will be on high alert" Minho said leaning forward.
"There's no way we can take them down especially on high alert. It was a struggle during a sneak attack when their guards were at minimum strength" Hyunjin said losing his appetite.

"Sorry fellas but we don't have a choice, we've been given a deadline" Chan said.
"We've been given as long as we want" Jeongin tried to be hopeful knowing he was wrong.
"We have to the end of the month" Chan looked up.
"Yeeaaahhh no thanks" Seungmin said.
"Seungmin you don't have a choice" Changbin said.

"Don't worry we have a week of preparations before we even attempt anything. We will be starting from scratch finding out if the gang have moved and plan the area out. However this time it is not just a mission to steal money and information we need to take everything" Chan said.
"Chan that last sentence makes you sound very evil" Felix said.
"Hard not to sound evil when talking about destroying something someone one has spend their whole lives building" Seungmin said.
"Now we really sound like the bad guys" Jisung finished his breakfast.
"Oh don't think like that, we know what we are doing it right. Well mostly" Minho nodded.
"Fantastic" Jisung rubbed his hands together.
"Have you been spending time with Seungmin? He's rubbing off on you" Hyunjin asked looking at Jisung.
"What can I say I'm a great role model" Seungmin said happily.

"Training will resume at its normal pace but in a couple days you will all probably hate me more than the extra training did" Chan said.
"Why can't we have a simple day, you know where our biggest problem is whether we eat cookie dough or ice cream before dinner" Felix sighed.
"Oh both, definitely both" Jisung said and Felix nodded.
"Why are you eating dessert before dinner anyway?" Chan raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not" Felix said as fast as lightning "just a question".
Felix looked guiltily at Chan then at his watch.
"Oh would you look at that I'm late to my training session with Jisung" Felix stood up and pulled Jisung's arm dragging up up from the table and rushed out the room.

"How many times has he eaten dessert before dinner?" Chan looked at everyone left at the table.
"More than you would know" Changbin said.
"You can't say much you sometimes join him" Hyunjin said.
"Right no more cookie dough for you from me anymore" Changbin said and got up and left.
"Wait no I'm sorry" Hyunjin rushed following Changbin out the room.

"I've spent how long with you guys and I still learn new things everyday" Chan sighed.
"You're telling me" Minho finished before he too got up and left.

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