New start

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"What the fuck is that!" Minho yelled out as he stood up hearing a loud noise.
"I don't know maybe it's the devil banging on the door calling us home" Jisung said.
"Hilarious" Minho rolled his eyes.
"Aren't I just" Jisung remained sat down.

The loud noises began getting closer and closer as pebbles on the floor next to them began to vibrate with the noise.
The boys looked to their left to see the wall about 10 meters from them begin to come down. Plaster ripped from the wall and fell down.
Minho pulled Jisung up and dragged him away from the wall coming down in front of him.
A yellow machine came through the wall and stopped once the wall had been demolished.

The boys watched as Hyunjin face came into their view.
"Why hello you two. Didn't think you guys would be here, I was about to take down the building" Hyunjin smiled yelling from inside the machine.
"Took you guys long enough" Minho yelled back.

"If you preferred we could have just bulldozed through and crushed you both" Seungmin walked around the machine into the massive gap Hyunjin had created.
"Thanks" Jisung said.
"Of course anytime" Felix poked his head out from behind Seungmin.
"You two better come out so we can get going" Changbins loud voice was heard from out of view.

"Alright we are coming" Minho said and him and Jisung started walking forward.
They got close to the rubble ready to climb up and over the rocks when Jisung grabbed hold of Minhos shoulder.
"You okay?" Minho asked.
"Yeah just a bit light headed" Jisung lightly tapped his head with his palm and shook his head from side to side.
"Right you go ahead of me and I'll watch from behind you" Minho said and let Jisung go ahead watching him carefully as he stepped over the rock and plaster.

They slowly but surely made it out and arrived safely on the other side.
"Jisung, Minho are you okay?" Chan walked over and looked at the both.
Minho looked okay but Jisung looked slightly pale with a little blood still on his forehead.

"We are great, just a few scrapes. It's not like a building just fell on top of us" Minho smiled.
"Minho don't make me slap you. You have no idea how much stress we have all been through to get you both out" Chan sighed.
"What? Chan your the leader, you wouldn't slap me would you?" Minho put his hand to his mouth and made a surprised expression.
"Minho.." Chan raised his fist slightly but Jeongin quickly came up and lowered it.
"Let's get going shall we" Jeongin said and tried to turn Chan around.

"Right let's go" Chan said and everyone started to move away. Hyunjin left the machine in the massive gap of the building and walked off.
"Why was Hyunjin the one driving that thing? I'm surprised he didn't press the wrong button and hit something else" Jisung said getting into the car.
"Well it wasn't smooth sailing at first" Seungmin said sitting on the left of Jisung.
"Hey that was my first try at using one of those things don't expect me to be perfect" Hyunjin said turning round in the front seat.
"You nearly took my head off when you swung it the wrong way" Changbin said turning the keys in the ignition.
"It's not my fault you're so small I didn't see you" Hyunjin sighed and Changbin slapped him round the back of his head.
"OWW" Hyunjin yelled.
"I hope that really hurt" Changbin said stepping down on the clutch and pulling out of the area.

"My heat hurts" Jisung complained as they drove through the streets.
"Anyone got some Paracetamol?" Minho asked sat on the right.
"I don't" Seungmin said.
"Neither" Changbin said.
"Lemme have a look" Hyunjin said and rustled through his pockets.
A few moments later Hyunjin pulled something out his right pocket.
"I have some gummy bears" Hyunjin held out.
"Hyunjin how's that gonna.." Minho started.
"I'll take them" Jisung leaned forward and picked them from Hyunjin hands.
Jisung opened them and put a few in his mouth.
"Yummy" Jisung chewed.
"Jisung that's not going to fix your headache" Minho sighed.
"Nope but they taste nice. Want one?" Jisung offered shaking the packet.
Minho remained silent for a second.
"Sure" Minho took one.
"Ouuuuu can I have one" Changbin asked.
Jisung nodded and let Hyunjin grab some from the packet and give one to Changbin and eat one himself.
"Tasty" both boys agreed.
"I should have gotten in the other car" Seungmin sighed as he looked at the window watching as they pulled into their driveway.

"Minho and Jisung both of you come with me I'm taking you to get checked over" Chan said as everyone made their way back into the house.
"Okay" both boys nodded and followed Chan.

They were both checked over and were going to be okay. None of them had any severe injuries. Minho got off with a clean bill of health however Jisung was not so lucky.
"You have a concussion" the man said as Jisung sat on the chair opposite him.
"That's not bad though right? It's not a life threatening thing?" Jisung asked.
"No nothing like that but I will ask that you don't sleep for the next 5 hours at a minimum. With a concussion like yours sleeping might make it worse" the man said.
"What if I fall asleep accidentally. I mean it's what 7pm now the earliest I can go to sleep is midnight?" Jisung asked.
"If you don't think you can stay awake you will need someone with you who will keep you awake" the man said.

"I can stay with him" Chan said listening to the man.
"I don't think that's a good idea Chan. With everything that's happened today you have lots to do" Minho said.
"It can wait until tomorrow if I need" Chan sighed scrunching his face up clearly having forgotten about all the issues he's about to face.
"Why don't I do it? You do your thing I'll look after Mr Injured over here" Minho said.
"I'm not that injured don't call me that" Jisung sighed.
"Are you sure Minho? You two don't exactly...get along" Chan raised an eyebrow.
"Come now Chan, I can deal with him for 5 hours I won't kill him" Minho waved his hand like it was nothing.
"Are you sure?" Chan said.
"Yeah" Minho nodded.
"Okay" Chan said and went to leave the room.

"Chan" Jisung said and Chan turned around quickly "if someone's going to kill someone don't expect Minho to win".
"Both of you behave. Even if it happens no one will win because whoever wins with be dealing with me" Chan smiled and left the room.

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