The heart needs to open up before it can heal

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"Getting straight to the point huh" Minho said sitting down properly.
"One minute your trying to piss me off, the next your kindly teaching me, then you defend me to Chan when I attacked you first. I don't understand" Jisung said.
"Honestly in a way I guess I wanted you to hate me" Minho said turning and leaning on the wall next to Jisung.
"Hate you? Why would you want me to hate you?" Jisung asked.
"Because if you hated me I could hate you back. I wouldn't have to let you in" Minho sighed.

"Is this about that Gray person? You blame yourself for his death. Do you think the same will happen to me" Jisung asked.
Minho remained quiet giving Jisung the answers he needed.
"I can look after myself. I'm not going to die. I need to stay here to annoy you don't I" Jisung nudged Minho.

Minho smiled.
"I spent most of my days training Gray. Like you he was very energetic. He smiled brightly like you and was pretty headstrong like you as well" Minho said.
"But you all said his death was an accident. You couldn't have seen it coming" Jisung said.
"It wasn't that simple" Minho propped his arm on his knee.

"Then tell me. You're like this because you're afraid that you will have to go through the pain again. That's why your mean and lock yourself away" Jisung looked closer at Minho.
"It was meant to be me" Minho said.
Jisung went silent.
"The shot that killed him was meant for me. That gun was aimed at me. I was supposed to die that night" Minho opened himself up.
"Minho don't say that" Jisung put his hand on Minhos shoulder.
"He jumped in the way. He saw the bullet before I did and by the time I realised he had already moved in front on me" Minho looked like he was about to cry.

"That isn't your fault" Jisung said sympathetically.
"That's what everyone else has said" Minho sighed looking at the floor.
"Minho look at me" Jisung saw how down in the dumps he was.
"Minho" Jisung tried again.

Fed up Jisung reach and dragged his head up.
"I said. Look. At. Me." Jisung said and Minho finally did "good now listen up. If you care for someone and you see that you can help them would you do it".

"Yes" Minho said.
"And if you cared about them enough and had the choice to save them or save yourself what would you choose" Jisung said.
"Save them" Minho sighed.
"Then there you go. Stop being a moody cat. You think your friend Gray would enjoy seeing you the way you are" Jisung said.
"No" Minho whispered.
"I can't hear you" Jisung said.
"No" Minho said louder.
"I CANT HEAR YOU" Jisung yelled.
"NO" Minho yelled.
"SAY THAT AGAIN" Jisung yelled.
"NO" Minho yelled once more.
"Good" Jisung smiled.

"That was one way to make me speak about it" Minho said looking at Jisung.
"Sometimes someone needs tough love to understand" Jisung said.
"Didn't think you would ever be the one to give me tough love" Minho chuckled.
"Well it was the amazing me. But can we not shout any more that really hurt my head" Jisung put his hands to his nose and pinched the bridge of it.

Minho started laughing.
"What?" Jisung looked confused as Minho continued to laugh.
"Nothing. Nothing at all" Minho said.
"So you'll start being nice to me?" Jisung went wide eyed looking hopeful.
"I'll try my best you nut job" Minho smirked.
"Hey that wasn't nice" Jisung said.
"Baby steps" Minho said "now turn your head I haven't finished washing it down".

Jisung turned and let Minho tend to his wound.
"My head hurts" Jisung complained.
"Hopefully the gang will come and get us, then you can take some pills" Minho said.
"And how are they getting in. We don't exactly have a door we can just walk through" Jisung said.
"They'll think of something. And hopefully after all this their plan won't get us killed" Minho said mentally crossing his fingers.

"Hmmm" Seungmin said looking up and down "don't you think this plan will get them killed".
"No. I don't think so" Felix stood next to Seungmin.
"Are you sure?" Seungmin looked at Felix.
"No" Felix smiled.
"Great" Seungmin crossed his arms.

The gang had managed to get a location on Jisung and Minho. They were in the back end of the complex which luckily hadn't completely collapsed like some of the areas around them. The heat scan had caught onto them and after some tracking and check between photos it was deemed a 96.7% chance of it being them.
However the only problem was that most of the building had collapsed. They only had a short amount of time before building people arrived. Luckily the gangs had all hidden the fact of the explosion as being nothing more than a gas leak that went wrong but they needed to destroy all evidence before anyone went poking around think it was suspicious.

"I preferably don't think this is a good idea" Jeongin piped up.
"Why you don't think it will work?" Chan asked stood next to him.
"More the fact that you put Hyunjin in the drivers seat" Jeongin smiled worriedly.

The had decided to get excavator.
Yes an excavator.
Or in Felix's words 'a massive digger'.

"He's the tallest here it's best for him to be there" Chan said.
"Because he can actually see the stuff in front of him" Changbin said.
"Wow Changbin then you would have no chance" Seungmin said.
"Oiiiiiiiii" Changbin jabbed but Chan stood forward blocking his line of fire.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" Chan said.


"Sorry my bad, still getting the hang of this" Hyunjin said as he swung the side of the vehicle into a fallen piece of the wall.
"It'll be fine" Chan seemed to be assuring himself more than the group itself.

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