Let the meeting commence

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"Wow this place is..." Felix looked around as the entered the room.
"Not what I expected" Hyunjin said.
"That's one way of putting it" Changbin looked around.
"Shit. I think thats word you guys are looking for. This place is shit" Seungmin looked a little disgusted.

"Remember guys this is an illegal meeting I think the entry point being glamour would defeat the point of us going unhidden" Chan said as the led the way.

They walked through an array of corridors before Chan pushed open a door revealing a whole new place. The corridors of grey and cracks opened into a place of richness. The room with grey walls and brand new wooden doors contrasted each other as people in suits stood around the room.
Chairs placed down for seats with some stood up against the walls with a nice bar in the corner with a good looking bartender behind.
"Do we actually know when this meeting will begin?" Jisung asked trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
"As soon as everyone's here. Nobody wants to be here longer than necessary" Chan said.

The group awkwardly stood around together and more people entered the room.
"I'm scared" Felix said clinging to Hyunjin.
"Don't cling to him I bet he's more scared than you" Changbin said.
Felix and Hyunjin looked at each other expecting the other to say they weren't scared.
"Very well" they both said nodding and let go of each other and walked over to Changbin.
"This is not what I had in mind" Changbin sighed as Felix clung to his left arm while Hyunjin clung to his right arm.
"You had that coming" Seungmin chuckled.

"HELLO EVERYONE" a voice boomed across the room and everyone went silent.
"Leaders follow me through here. The meeting should last no more than 20 minutes if all goes well. Everyone else remain civil if a fight breaks out or you destroy anything you all pay for it" the man said as individuals left their groups towards him.

"Right before I go. You three can stick together since you're already glued to one another. Jeongin your with Seungmin and Jisung your with Minho" Chan said.
"Wait is that a good idea?" Felix immediately said.
"They need to learn to get along together" Chan said and walked off before they closed the door without him.

"See you guys when it's over" Changbin said and walked away with two mussels latched onto him like a rock.
"I wanna sit down" Jeongin looked at Seungmin who just nodded and they directed off leaving Jisung and Minho on their own.

"So" Jisung looked at Minho.
"So what?" Minho looked back.
"Why don't we start from the beginning. This is the first time we are meeting scrap anything else" Jisung held his hand out "My names Jisung".
"This is stupid" Minho looked at his hand.
"Would you rather be in complete silence" Jisung smiled sarcastically.
"My names Minho" Minho shook his hand unwillingly.
"Would you like a drink?" Jisung pointed towards the bar.
"We can't have alcohol at a meeting" Minho said.
"Nobody said it had to be alcoholic" Jisung pulled Minho and dragged him to the bar.

"Why hello Sirs, is their anything I can get you this evening" a man in a fine tuned suit stood shaking a beaker of liquid before pouring it into a fancy glass and giving it to another customer.
"Yes please I'll have a half pint Diet Coke please" Jisung said.
"And for your friend?" He asked.
"Just a water for me" Minho nodded.
"So boring" Jisung whispered.
"Says the man with the Diet Coke" Minho shot back and Jisung just shrugged.

The bartender laughed at their back and forth arguing.
"You guys seem like good friends" The bartender smiled.
"You think?" Jisung looked surprised.
"Yea" the bartender said.
"Why?" Minho asked.
"Well that's what good friends do. They make fun of each other and have back and forth banter. Least that's from my experience" he pushed both drinks towards the boys.
"You're wrong" Minho said.
"Am I?" He said chuckling and raised an eyebrow.

"Anyway thanks for the drinks" Jisung said as Minho gulped down his water.
More people began filing to the bar so the bartender was about to move down.
"Wait a sec what's your name?" Jisung's asked in case he wanted to call him back later for another drink. He didn't want to just call him Mr Bartender.
"Hyungwon" the man said turning round going to the end of the bar his suit following after him with small purple lettering at the bottom barely making out to say 'MonstaX'.

"He was a nice man" Jisung said sipping his coke.
"Hmm" Minho didn't say anything as he surveyed the room.
"I'm sorry" Jisung suddenly said getting Minhos attention.
"What" Minho stared.
"For slapping you. I let my emotions get the better of me" Jisung sighed.
"Don't apologise. I was at fault too" Minho finished his water and put it down on the table.

"I shouldn't be so harsh" Minho said and Jisung nearly gasped.
The grumpy man was apologising to him. Jisung nearly smiled but kept it suppressed.

Both boys then went into silence. Minho looked at his watching seeing the time was nearly up.
"Minho?" Jisung asked.
"Yea" Minho said.
"Don't you think there's not enough people here" Jisung asked.
"What do you mean?" Minho looked a bit confused.
"Well we know there will be at least 5 gangs right? If the leaders are in the meeting only the members are out here but don't you feel like we are missing a whole gang" Jisung looked and pointed to Minho the people.
You could tell which gangs they were from because they worse similar clothing to each other.
"Isn't the Vipex gang meant to be here?" Jisung asked.

Minho looked around and stopped leaning against the bar.
"They are yes" Minho looked alarmed.
"Why do you look so alert?" Jisung asked.
"This meeting gives territories. No gang in their right mind would miss it even if they had just lost a limb" Minho said.
"Well we just broke into their compound right? So maybe they are busy?" Jisung said but began to trail off seeing the worried face of Minho.

"No. No gang would miss this" Minho looked to the see the rest of his members happily chatting among each other.

He was about to say something more when the doors to the meeting room burst open and gang leaders began to run out shouting for their members.

"Somethings gone wrong" Minho tensed up.

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