Territory meeting

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Jisung groaned. He heard a loud noise as he turned his head to see what it was. His alarm was blaring. 7:00 written across the digital numbers.
Jisung had spent most of the previous day memorising the building layout for the meeting. He had spent so long he had fallen asleep with the papers on his chest and scattered on the bed. He must have been very tired as he was still in his clothes.
He sat up and looked around ignoring all the mess in his room and went to go shower.
As the warm water gushed down his body he closed his eyes allowing himself to slowly wake up from his sleep. He felt so relaxed in the shower he didn't realise the time passing.

As he removed himself from the shower he slowly dried himself off and got into his clothes. He rubbed his hair with a towel as he left the bathroom and looked at the time again 7:25.
"Whoops" Jisung spoke to himself but didn't bother to stress. He was too tired for that.
He spent another 10 minutes drying his hair and making his bed, opening the curtains before he went downstairs to breakfast.

"Sorry I'm late" Jisung walked in to see everyone already eating.
"Hurry up or Changbins gonna take the last of the pancakes" Felix said ushering Jisung to the table.
"Not the pancakes" Jisung rushed to the table and grabbed 3 of the last 4 pancakes.
"And that leaves the last for me" Changbin said happily nabbing the last one.

"Anyone seen the Nutella?" Jisung asked searching the table.
"No idea" Felix said looking around.
"Neither" Jeongin said licking a chocolate covered spoon.
"Then what's that chocolate from" Jisung asked raising an eyebrow.
"The cupboard" Jeongin said quickly licking the spoon clean.
"He ate the last of it" Seungmin said.
"What?! But it was full the other day" Jisung looked shocked.
"Sorry" Jeongin said sheepishly.

"Have some lemon juice instead there's some left" Seungmin offered.
"No thanks Seungmin, that's not my kinda style" Jisung said politely.
"Yeah not all of us need to replenish our sour souls" Hyunjin said.

"There's some honey here if you want that instead. If not I can melt some normal chocolate for you" Chan said sipping a coffee.
"I'll just take the honey" Jisung said smiling before drowning his pancake is a river of syrup and diving in.

Since Jisung was late for breakfast Chan went over the days plans while he was still eating. He went over the timings, where they were to enter and exit and where each of them would be appointed.
"During the main meeting you guys will not be allowed in the room, only the leaders of each group can go in to prevent anyone trying to overthrow the groups" Chan said.
"Everyone is given an area they will remain in. Yes the rest of us will be in the same room but we will not all stand together. We will only band back together once Chan is out the meeting and we leave" Minho continued.

"And what if something goes wrong?" Changbin asked.
"We follow the protocols and get out. If we can't all remain together priority is getting away from the building and meeting back up at the house" Chan said.
"If anyone doesn't get back to the house within 5 hours we will begin a search" Minho finished.

"But it's not going to go wrong" Felix butted in "you are all so pessimistic".
"Well you're a walking ball of sunshine and optimism" Hyunjin said folding his arms.
"Nothing wrong with that" Felix smiled brightly.
"It beats being sarcastic and dark" Minho said.
"I wonder who that could be" Changbin smiled.
"Me too they sound like a great person. I wish I could meet them" Seungmin smiled sarcastically.

"Plans sorted. We leave in..." Chan looked at his watch ignoring his gang members "15 minutes so get your stuff and shoes on by then. And if you need the toilet please go before you leave I don't want to make another pit stop like last time".
"Hey last time Hyunjin needed to go as well" Changbin spoke up.
"Hey don't make it sound like my fault I only went because you needed to go" Hyunjin looked offended.
"I didn't blame anyone" Chan sighed.
"It was his fault" Hyunjin pointed.
"No it was his" Changbin retaliated.
"Again I wasn't blaming anyone" Chan looked tired.
"But it was his" Hyunjin said.
"Not it wasn't it was yours" Changbin shot back.
"You know what. You guys can argue about this here but I'm going to go get ready" Chan smiled and stood up.
"Who do you blame" Hyunjin and Changbin said at the same time stopping Chan from leaving.
"Ask Minho" Chan said and quickly left the room before anyone stopped him.
Both boys turned to Minho.
"What a way to throw me under the bus Chan. You're lucky you're my only Hyung" Minho had a look of irritation.

15 minutes later everyone was at the front door ready to go.
"Everyone up for some party fun" Seungmin said clapping his hands together.
"Oh yes ready for some fancy champagne" Felix said.
"You're getting nothing more than strawberry milk" Chan said tapping the boys shoulder.
"Alright yea I'm happy with that" Felix nodded without an argument.
"If Chan said that to me I'd fight him about it until the sun goes down" Seungmin said.
"That's because your Seungmin, and that" Jeongin said pointing at Felix "is a baby chick".
"Fair enough, Seungmin is leaving the building" Seungmin said walking out the door.

The rest began to follow after him as Chan locked the door on the way out.
"Let the fun begin" Chan spun his keys in his hand ready to drive his team away.

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