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Gang leaders rushed out the room and members began to run to them.
Minho felt a buzzing in his pocket at the mini radio brought between the members. He took it out his pocket and turned the volume up.
Chans voice echoed through.
"Everyone out NOW. Meet back at the house" Chan was seen running out the room and ran the other way to Jisung and Minho.
The rest of the members were on the other side of the room so could leave through the main entrance. Minho and Jisung would need to leave the back way unless they ran from one side of the room to the other.
They rushed forward towards the rest of the gang when Chan spotted them.
"STOP" Chan yelled holding his hand out as a way to try and stop them.
Both boys continued going forward until they felt the building rock underneath them.

It felt like an earthquake but as they turned they saw a large ball of red and orange as flames erupted from the meeting Chan had just been in.
Jisung saw this and tried to stop running, kicking a table in front of him. Jisung pulled Minho down as the table provided little cover as the flames flew over their heads.

"Out the other way we go" Minho grimaced as the flames stopped. He grabbed Jisung's wrist as they both turned the way they had just been.
They ran out the room and down the corridors. Blasts echoed around them as the cracks in the walls ascended upwards making the infrastructure worse. Chunks of wall began to fall down next to them as they rushed past other people.
As they were running they passed a person laid unconscious underneath a pile of wall and plaster. The building was giving way.

"SHIT. The exit is blocked" Jisung yelled as they turned the corner.
"Other way there's one more at the end of the adjacent corridor" Minho turned and both of them kept running.
Jisung was out of breath. His running was slowing down as the blasts around him didn't stop.

He managed to keep up behind Minho in front guiding the way.
He heard another blast and thuds as building all around them crumbled.
Jisung looked up the cracks opening up and giving way above them not too far from where they were going. The ceiling was going to fall and Minho was right underneath it.

"MINHO MOVE, GET OUT THE WAY" Jisung used the last of his energy to speed up alongside Minho. He grabbed his arms and flung them through a door.

The ceiling came down.
Everything went black.

"What the hell just happened?" Seungmin nearly yelled as the 6 of them bundled into a van and sped off away.
"A sneak attack. That's what happened. Sabotage" Chan was driving trying to calm himself down.
"What about Minho and Jisung we can't leave them" Felix looked out the window as parts of the buildings ceiling caved in crushing the ground below.
"We stick to the plan. They couldn't go through our exit so they needed to get out at the other end of the building. We wait for them. If 5 hours pass and only then can we move on into the Red Light emergency code" Chan said.
"What if they aren't. What if they are still in there. In 5 hours they could be dead" Felix was freaking out and began to hyperventilate.

"Felix. Felix look at me!" Changbin turned the boys head to face him "they might have got out. If they have they will find their way home and if not you know we will do everything to find them".
"Plus you think Minho will let himself go down like this. No he will survive just to spite them and get them back" Hyunjin chuckled.
"And Jisung. He's just too stubborn to die" Jeongin said.
Felix smiled lightening the mood.
"Okay" Felix closed his eyes and leaned his head back onto the van.

The boys arrived home and Felix was the first to run up the pathway. He'd stolen Chans keys as they got out the van and ran to unlock the door.
"JISUNG. MINHO" Felix remained hopeful that they had somehow made to back before them.

"Felix they won't be back yet" Seungmin said sadly.
"Never hurts to try" Felix sounded sad.

"Now we are back, what they hell happened in that meeting" Jeongin said looking at Chan.
"Let me take my shoes off and grab a coffee and double shot of tequila first" Chan said taking his shoes off.
"I'll join you with that" Seungmin said.
"Ou can I..." Felix began.
"Have some strawberry milk why yes you can" Hyunjin steered Felix into the kitchen.

Once everyone was sorted Chan began.
"When the meeting began everyone seemed to realise that the boss of the Vipex gang was missing. Nobody did anything about it but it did make things more tense. As we were dealing with the split up a servant came in with a box saying it was a sorry for the Vipex gang unable to be in attendance. It was checked over first before opened and it was like one of those bells you ring at the front of a shop. As you all know the meeting commences and ends with one of these and it can be rung during the meeting to signify a point or raise of money. There was a letter that said Vipex wanted to use that bell since they could not gain territory from the meeting because they were not in attendance" Chan said.
"And the bell was what set off the explosion" Jeongin asked.

"Sort of yes. When we ring the bell it was like it also came with a ticking noise. When the bell rang the tick that came with it got faster and faster. We couldn't not use it because we were at peace talks so refusing could mean bad blood. It was only when one leader got tired of the ticking it made that he threw it against a wall. As he did it broke showing off a circuit within it. We didn't know what it was for but knew it was bad, so that's when everyone got out of there" Chan finished.
"You're lucky then. Any longer all the leaders would have been dead. That would have led to wars everywhere" Changbin sighed folding his arms.

"Even so there will be some dead in that explosion. There is no way everyone got out" Seungmin said what no one else wanted to say but everyone was thinking.
"They have 3 hours to get back now" Hyunjin looked at his watch.
"Wait what about the radio. Is it still in range?" Felix asked remembering.
"It should be" Chan rummaged around in his pocket and tried to get it out.

As he did so, he turned it back on.
"Chan to Jisung and Minho"
The radio crackled but no response.
"Chan to Jisung and Minho".
Still no response.

"Maybe we are just out of range?" Chan wondered.

Back at the building site the radio crackled.
"Chan to Jisung and Minho".

The radio lay silent hidden under a pile of rubble, its owner nowhere in sight.

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