Unexpected protector

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"CHAN" Jeongin yelled up the stairs before rushing forward making it just in time as Minho swung a punch towards Jisung's face.
Jeongin grabbed Minhos arm pulling it back to stop it connecting.
"What the hell are you two doing' Jeongin said in a worried tone trying his best to hold Minho back.

"I'm teaching someone a lesson" Minhos stood back and pulled his arm out of Jeongins grip.
"You're the one that needs a knock to the brain. Maybe a good punch is what you need" Jisung shot back.
Minho lunged forward again but Jeongin held his body in the way while Jisung moved forward as well. Jeongin put his hand out trying to push Jisung back but he couldn't hold both of them for long.

A loud boom suddenly echoed around the room and all three men turned to see Chan stood in the doorframe with Felix and Hyunjin poking their heads out from behind him.
Minho lowered his fist and stopped moving, the same with Jisung allowing Jeongin to relax and put his hands down.

"Wow guys I thought you were gonna squash me" Jeongin chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
It didn't work.
You could feel the tension in the room even though they had stopped fighting and you could feel the chill on the air as they stared at each other.

"All of you get up here NOW. Your going to explain what the hell just happened and spare no details" Chans face was simmering with anger but still keeping his composure.
He left the doorframe walking past Felix and Hyunjin.
"You are both screwed" Hyunjin said while Felix shuddered.

Minho scoffed and went off first without a word. Jisung watched him leave as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath letting his anger slip away.
Now he wasn't a ball of raging emotions he finally felt the sting of his face.

He raised his hand and poked it slightly and flinched. Minho really knew how to throw a punch.
"Jisung what happened are you okay?" Felix rushed over looking at the red mark on Jisung's face.
"I'm okay, it was just one punch" Jisung smiled.
"But why were you two fighting. Did Minho just punch you because he is in one of his moods?" Hyunjin asked.
"It was my fault. I let his taunts get to me too much" Jisung sighed regretting the fight but not his first slap. That was very satisfying to him.

"Wait you started it?" Jeongin said surprised.
"He deserved that slap" Jisung said.
"You go Jisung, that man had it coming to him one day. If not you it would have been one of us" Hyunjin said.
"Yeah everyone but you. He's got you scared of the air fryer. You won't even make me nuggets from there anymore" Felix taunted.
"Nuggets? He won't even get within a meter of the air fryer unless it's an emergency" Jeongin added.
"Shush. Both of you" Hyunjin dramatically shushed.

The three of the them laughed at Hyunjin lightening the mood which was so tense a moment ago.

"ALL OF YOU HURRY UP" Chans voice echoed down into the room.
"He really is mad if his patience gets this thin" Jeongin said and Jisung face went to a slight panic.
"You'll be fine, he probably more worried about you both than angry" Felix said patting Jisung back as they all walked away and up the stairs.

"Sit down" Chan said the second they all entered the room. The rest of the members were already sat down.
"Right as you all know I was meant to go over what's happening tomorrow but that can wait. Right now I want to know what I just witnessed and why it happened" Chan said clasping his hands together.

Jisung sat down on the chair and looked down at the table unable to look Chan in the eyes.
Nobody dared to speak.

Seconds of silence passed but they felt like minutes.

"Well Chan.." Felix began but Chan raised his hand to stop him.
"I want to hear it from the two that caused it" Chan shut Felix down stopping him from trying to help.

"Ermmm well...I" Jisung tried to muster up the courage to speak.
"It was my fault" Minho spoke first.

Jisung turned shocked his eyes fully wide. Felix and Jeongin did the same looking at each other then Minho then back at each other.
"But Jisung slapped him first" Felix whispered to Jeongin.
"Just roll with it" Jeongin whispered back nodding and then they both sat up straight again pretending not to be flustered.

"I was too harsh, it was my fault" Minho said again nodding down his head with an apology.
"This isn't like you Minho, to punch one of the newcomers" Chans anger dissipated as he looked more concerned at Minho before turning his eyes to Jisung looking at the red mark on his face.
"You okay Jisung?" Chan asked.
"I'm fine. It's not all his fault I had my fair share of contact as well" Jisung said trying to share the blame.
"Okay well Jisung no matter how angry you are we don't punch each other. And Minho you should know better, you've always been good with the new recruits" Chan said.
Minhos heart panged slightly at the last comment but didn't show it.
"Sorry" Minho said.

"Yeah Minho you were always amazing when it came to teaching Gray" Hyunjin began but got elbowed by Changbin in the side.
"Shut up" Changbin said.
"What! I can't speak about it? It's been over a year now we can't hide from it forever" Hyunjin said.
"Hyunjin not right now" Jeongin said calmly.

"Who's Gray?" Jisung asked seeing the faces of every in the room shift.
"An old member" Seungmin said.
"An old friend" Felix added.
"Where's he now? How come I've never met him?" Jisung asked clearly oblivious to the room's atmosphere.
"Ermm Jisung you see.." Chan tried to find the best way to explain it.
"He's dead" Minho blurted out.
Everyone's looked at him as his face remained stoic.
"He died on a mission. None of us saw it coming" Minho gave a vague explanation but wouldn't go any further into detail.

Silence again pervaded the room making it increasingly tense.

"What about tomorrow's mission? That's why we are all here" Felix spoke before anything worse happened.
"Yes let's go over that now everyone's here" Chan agreed as he chugged the last of his double expresso ready to begin.

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