To shoot or not to shoot

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Jisung rushed down the stairs and round two of the rooms as fast as he could before opening a door to the basement and running down another flight of stairs.
As he ran he tripped up on one of the last steps and stumbled into the wall. He felt a searing pain up his hips which took the main brunt of the fall.
"Just my day. I smack my head off Felix, I couldn't get my socks on and now I run my hip into a wall" Jisung opened the door to his left and enter a wide room with shooting targets around with different types of gun held up on the wall.

"What time do you call this?" Minhos voice boomed around the room.
Jisung timidly turned to see Minho holding a loaded gun. He took a quick peek at his phone.
"9:07" Jisung said.
"And what time were you meant to be here for?" Minho raised an eyebrow.
"9:00" Jisung lowered his head.
"Why are you 7 minutes late?" Minho asked.
"I woke up late" Jisung didn't have the effort to make up an excuse.

"Have you heard of an alarm? Or are you too stupid to even know that" Minho took a jab.
"Sorry" Jisung had little effort to argue and just ignored him.
"Anyway shooting practice. You already know the basics so I want you to shoot at that target so I get a vague idea how bad you are" Minho handed Jisung the gun.
"You're the person I spend the most time with Minho. In missions and for training. You could at least be a little nicer" Jisung said checking the gun was locked and loaded.
Minho didn't respond and just looked at the target and then Jisung waiting for him to shoot.
Jisung stared at Minho while Minho locked eyes with him. They both silently watched each other.

Jisung was wondering. Why does Minho hate him so much, he had never done the man any wrong. Does he enjoy being mean?

"Come on then, I don't have all day" Minho said not breaking the eye contact.
Jisung let out a small tut as he broke off the eye contact and aimed at the target.
"Maybe if I picture Minhos face I'll have a better shot" Jisung thought to himself as he pulled the trigger.

Minho watched Jisung shooting the target. His shooting wasn't too bad. Yes his technique was terrible but he was still able to hit the target.
While watching Minho zoned out into his own thoughts.
"You could at least be a little nicer" Jisung's words circled round in Minhos head.
Minho himself left without an answer. He couldn't argue that he had a good reason for picking on Jisung.
He watched as Jisung hit the target managing to hit a bullseye. Happy, Jisung spun around with a big smile on his face aiming the gun down.

Minho saw Jisung's smile as wide as ever, his soft dimples poking out in his face.
Minhos head spun as he saw Jisung's face with his mock of brown hair. He blinked and the brown hair faded to grey and Minho was staring at a completely different person.

" think...Watcha think" they happily jumped around smiling widely. Their eyes lit up in excitement waiting for Minhos approvement as their own dimples shone in the dim light.
"You did great" Minho smiled back as the persons face blurred leaving only their mouth in clear view.
"It's all thanks to you. Thank you Minho" their white smile embedded in Minhos memory.

"Minho...Minho?....Are you okay".

Minho snapped out of his thoughts and shut his head blinking a few times with it. He looked up to see Jisung had moved closer and was looking up with slight worry.
"You've gone a bit pale are you alright?" Jisung asked.
"Hmm yeah yeah. Caught up in my own thoughts that's all, let's see how you did" Minho walked past Jisung taking some deep breaths as he went.
"I can never figure you out" Jisung murmured under his breath.

Minho took down the target and took some good looks at it.
"Right, you see here?" Minho said looking at Jisung who nodded "you can see from the bullet pattern and the angle of the cut here that you were holding the gun too far to the left. The same for here. Here. And here" Minho pointed at the target and put it under his shoulder while he put a new one up.
"I want you to try again. Watch how I do it and then I want you to copy me" Minho walked back with Jisung in tow.

Minho grabbed a separate gun and aimed at a different target. Jisung watched as Minhos fingers curled around the gun and rested on the trigger. As if in slow motion the trigger was pushed down. Once. Twice. Three times as a small vein popped up dragging down Minhos hand towards the wrist moulding his hands with his gun.

"There. See that" Minho took out the casing of the gun and pointed at the target with pin point bullseyes in all shots, each overlapping with each other showing his consistency.
"Yeaaaaaa I don't think I can do that straight away" Jisung looked at Minhos shots and then down at his previous attempts which target was placed near him.
"I know that you dummy. I'm just trying to get you to learn the technique and then you can sharpen it over time" Minho said and pointed back at Jisung's target.
"Lovely" Jisung sarcastically smiled.
"Just shoot the target" Minho said and stood back.

Jisung rolled his eyes and aimed at the target taking a shot.
Too far to the left again.
He took another shot which was the same.
He grimaced as he lined up to take another shot but was stopped.

He felt Minhos hands take the gun stopping him from pulling the trigger.
"Let me show you again" Minhos stood behind Jisung his arms around him his voice close to Jisung ear.
Jisung loosened his grip and allowed Minho to move the gun. He cradled his hands around Jisung's and pressed his fingers onto Jisung's which held near the trigger.
He shot once and the target hit straight through the middle.
"You feel how you're holding this" Minho said softly stood behind Jisung's his head basically resting upon Jisung's shoulder.
"Yes" Jisung said more focused on how close Minho was over shooting the target.
"Remember this feeling" Minho held down the trigger again and shot again.
Jisung tried to stop focusing on Minho and tried to focus on the gun.

For a second Jisung froze. He felt his heartbeat rise in his chest, his face slowly heating up with it.

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