i hit it

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"This is berk iths twelve days nh from hopeless and a few degrees from frezing to death it i located soildly on the meridian of misery. now you are probably wondering that's awful why don't we leave well its because were vikings we have stubbornness issues also we've been here for seven generations but every single building is new . berks not that bad though we have fishing,hunting,and a charming view of the sunset the only down sides are the pest were most places have rats or spiders we have' i thought then i was about to go out when a fire blast came at me so i slammed the door fast the fire lightened my house up with light to see me a gangly viking teen with my elbow long Ambur hair and forest green eyes wearing a green dress with brown leggings and a fur vest i then whispered "dragons"

'hi my name is hicca haddock great name i know especially for a girl but it could be worse parents believe hideous names will frighting off gnomes and trolls like are charming vikingness wouldn't do that' dragons sweep back and forth. as i was dodging axes and fire blast a burly gets tossed from an explosion, witch in results he hits me and knocks me down when getting up he yells "arrrggggg" then sees me and says cheerily but insanely at the same time"mornin" 'meet the neighbors Hork the hagared, Burnthair the broad , Phlegma the fierce. when passing by i hear a few 'what are you doing out' 'get back inside' and 'get inside' i then suddenly get picked up by the back of my shirt by no other 'that's stoic the vast chief of are village' he then asks accusingly to the crowd "hicca what is she" then to me"what are you doing out again get inside" he then drops me ' they say when he was a baby he ripped a dragons head clean off of its shoulders do i believe it' i thought he then picks up a wagon and threw it at a dragon 'yes i do' i thought i was then off again. when i got to the forge i was on my way to the door when someone grabbed me with a hook and pulled me throuh the window by my shirt i let out a little yelp then said person said "awe nice of you to join the party i thought you were carried off" "what who me they wouldn't know what to do with all this" i said then did a cute pose with my hands on my hip's i then grabbed my apron and put it on 'oh incase you were wondering the meat head with the attitude and interchangeable hand is my God father and mentor Gobber I've been his apprentices since i was little well littler' "well they need tooth picks don't they?" said Gobber i just gave him a deadpanned glare i then look out the window and see the only other teens on berk my cousin snoutline she's a jerk ,fishlegs he's friendly , the twins ruffnut and tuffnut let's say they like destruction and (hatefully) aston i used to have a major crush on him empisize used to you see since i was 5 i had a crush on him till about a year ago i came to my sences and reilized what a big jerk he is i got over him but still thier job is cooler then a cool explosion erupted around them making them look even cooler then Gobber pulled me by my cloths again through the window"aw come on let me out please,i need to make my mark" i almost pleaded "oh you've made plenty of marks , all i n the wrong places." gobber responded "please two minuties. ill kill dragon. my life will get infinitely better. i might even get a date." i told Gobber he then said "You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe" gobber then grabs a bola (2 iron ball connecting by rope)"you can't even through one of these." Then a viking came and grabbed the Bola and through it at a gronkle I then went and got my invention and told Gobber "yeah but this will throw it for me" I patted it's side and it shot prematurely Gobber dodged the blast but the viking behind him wasn't so luky he got it right in the head I winced that gotta hurt "see that right there is what I'm talking about" gobber said I then justified my invention by saying "mild calibration issues" "no hicca if you ever want to get out there and fight dragons you have to stop all...this" he just gestured to all of me "but you just gestured to all of me" I said he then said "that's it stop being all if you" then I said threatenly "ohhh" "ohhh yes" said Gobber mimicking me I then said " You sir are playing a very dangerous game keeping all this raw vikingness contained there will be consequences. " Gobber then tosses me a sword and says "I'll take my chances sword. Sharpen. Now" I then log it to the grinding wheel. I then stew fascinated

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