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I hover over the nautical map -- my eyes on the uncharted corner, swirling in mist and illustrations of dragons. I then tell the men "I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady." I raises my gaze to... A FOG BANK, towering from sky to sea like a bruised, daunting curtain, beyond which nothing is visible. The three ships drift alongside it, skirting its solid edge, looking for an opening. ON DECK i see the crewmen mill nervously, all too aware of what I i am considering. "Take us in." I tell the crew The helmsman steers my ship into the fog. The men draw their weapons, prepping for the worst. Then I hear 1viking yell "Hard to port... for Helheim's gate." We dissapear into the fog.Suddenly a flash of light. i see A silhouette of a dragon. Hollers. Sounds of splitting and shattering wood. Plunges into the water. Another bright flash. we are off to fight

How to love your dragon *ABANDONED AND UP FOR ADOPTION*Where stories live. Discover now