chapter 12

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'why did I do that, why did I do that, why did I do that,why did ........' Was the only thing going through my head the whole way back to the village when I got home I dropped it and started to go to work on my suprie for toothless.before the meeting for dragon training that is in an hour so what I do is grab the material's I need and I started to make it I was finished about 1 hour later and I headed to the meeting when I got there I sat down next to gobber then every one else came fishlegs sat on the other side of me and beside him was tuffnt across from us we're ruffnut and snoutline. Then Ashton came and sat on the empty log across from Gobber and let's just day if looks could kill Ashton would be twitching in a pool of his own blood right Now. Gobber then told us "ok from now on we have a schedule every Monday we have survivor Tuesday fighting Thursday facts and Friday fitness any questions" anytime asked "why do we miss so many days" "beside I don't wanna see all ya every morning and it gives ya a break so no complaining also from now on we are keeping points so the 2 with the highest points at the end of training will be in the ring with the elder watching and she will pick who kills the nightmare from there" "uh I got a question have you already started the points" I ask "yes so far ashton's got 10 points Hicca's got 9 points snoutline's got 7 fishlegs with 6 and the twins both have 5 now to finish off let's tell starts who will go first" we all looked at each other then gobber said "ok I'll go first let's see how bout starts from when ya were wee Vikings let's start with Ashton this one is called the dress "I saw Ashton blush I mentally laugh I remember that day because even though I may not look it IM 18 IM older then all the other teens there all 14. "ok this story was back when Ashton was 3 months old at the time I was working in the forge and babysitting Hicca at the time when Ingrid (ashtons mom) came in with Ashton wearing a pink dress to get her axe sharpened I didn't say anything about the dress because ingrid put him in them all the time because she thought she was going to have a girl so she made a bunch of dresses but when she had a boy she didn't have anymore material so she had to wait for trader yohon to come back to Berk any way when Hicca saw Ashton being the curious 4 year old she was..." Gobber was cut off by the teens yelling"what" then snoutline saying "what do you mean four year old how can she be 4 when ashton was 3 months" I couldn't hold it back any longer so I burst out laughing when I calmed down I asked "how old do you think I am" then tuffnut said "uh aren't you like 13 or 14" I laughed and said "why thank you for the compliment but IM 18 years old heck I was there when you all were born helping the midwife infact I held all of you before your own mother" then ruffnut said "really then which of us were born first" she said gesturing between herself and tuffnut "you ruffnut by 10 minuties" everybody had shocked faces on but me and gobber I then said "you know I even helped name snoutline her parents at first wanted to name her snoutlout until I said 'why do you wanna give her a boy name you should name her snoutline it's more of a girls name' and her parents liked it and named her snoutline" now everyone but me had on a shocked face then snoutline said "wait so like technically you named me" now thinking about "yeah I guess" then she had on a horrified expression just clueing in that her parents let a four year old name her then tuffnut said "wait if you were there when we were born dose that mean you saw all of us naked" I blush a little realizing that and I say "yeah I was the one that washed the baby's for the midwife can we continue the story now Gobber"I asked and gobber continued the story with all us teens impersonating tomatoes "ok well any way hicca being the curious 4 year old she was asked 'mrs.hofferson what happened to Ashton did you twad him in for a girl I wouldn't bwame you though boys are yucky'" everyone burst out laughing and I just go red ".Ingrid then told little hicca 'no I didn't trade Ashton in for a girl this is Ashton he's just has to wear dresses until trader yohon comes back ' hicca just said 'well then Ashton you are going to get owt of the dwess soon trader yohon should be here next week at least that's what my daddy told me ' Ingrid smiled then got her axe and left after saying bye to hicca and me and in fact a week later trader yohon came and Ashton finally got boys clothes but to this day right now even Ashton still wears a skirt" gobber said and everyone burst out laughing because in fact Ashton was wearing his favourite spike and skull skirt over his black leggings gobber then said "OK that is anuff for tonight it's time you go to bed it's getting late." We all got up and went home when I got home I got ready for bed then I got my supries for toothless some wear I could get it easy I then went to my bed and fell asleep and once again dreamped of toothless.
hi Its me what do you think is the supries and sorry for the long wait but I wasn't able to update because my mom took my phone away but it is here now I would also like to say if you have any ideas for the story feel free to put it in the comments or PM me also I changed hicca and the teens age it was originally they were as all 15 but now the teens are 14 and hicca's 18 so until next time bye

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