I did this

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I look up from the map in my note book and peek over a gorge, expectantly. Sees nothing. I add another 'X' to the page, then scratch my pencil over the whole map in frustration. I snap the book closed and pocket it. I then say aloud "Uggh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I manage to lose an entire dragon." I then WHACK a low-hanging branch. It SNAPS back at me, hitting me in the face. I look up to see a snapped tree trunk.my eyes follow it to a long trench of up-turned earth. I follow it to a downed, black dragon, its body and tail tangled in a bola. It appears dead. I approache, beaming. I then say(IN SHOCK) "Oh wow. I did it. I did it. This fixes everything. (ELATED) Yes!" I strike a victory pose, planting my foot on the fallen Night Fury. I then say  "I have brought down this mighty beast!" It then suddenly shifts. 

"Whoa! " i spring back, terrified. I turn my blade on it. Rattled, i creep along the length of the weak, wounded dragon, dagger poised to strike. As i reach the head, i find the Night Fury staring coldly at me. I trie to look away, but I'm  drawn back to its unnerving, unflinching stare. With the dragon safety tangled in the ropes, i jab with my dagger, puffing myself up with false bravado.

"I'm going to kill you, Dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. (BEAT) I am a VIKING!" I raise the dagger, determined to prove my Viking- ness. The dragon's labored breathing breaks my clenched concentration. I open an eye, uncertainty leaking through. The dragon holds the stare. Something profound is exchanged something i can't explain. Finally, the Night Fury closes its eye and lowers its head, resigned to its fate. I trie to go through with it, holding the dagger aloft... fighting myself... until finally lowering it with a frustrated sigh. I look over the dragon's chaffed rope wounds ashamed . (Then muttering, ashamed) "I did this." I turn to leave. I then Pause. And glances back at the dragon, chest heaving. I GRUMBLE. I check over my shoulder to ensure that no one is watching... then hurry back to cut the ropes. The Night Fury's eye shoots open. With the dragon watching my every move, i hurriedly saw through the bola ropes. As the last rope falls free, the Night Fury suddenly POUNCES! In a blur, the dragon is upon me. pinning me down, grazing my neck. Looking like it's about to kill me. I am paralyzed.'that's it' I thought 'im dead'The dragon's breath ruffles my hair. I  open my eyes to find the Night Fury's wolf-like stare boring into me. The exchange is intense, profound. The dragon draws a deep breath, as though it's about to torch me, then lets out an ear-piercing scream instead. It turns and takes flight, flapping violently through the canopy of trees. It bashes against a nearby mountain side, recovers, and drops out of view some distance away. Winded, i struggles to my feet, i stagger a few steps, collapse to my knees, and i fainted. It was about sundown once I woke up 'oh man I'm in so much trouble for being out all day' I thought so I got up and as quick as I can I went home when I got there I made sure to be quite opening the door I enter to see my dad , seated on a thick slice of tree-trunk. He is slouched over the fire-pit, stirring the coals with his axe. Embers waft around his beard. I try to sneak past, up the stairs to my room. My dad seems none the wiser, when...  "hicca" 

"Dad. Uh... "he stands, takes a deep breath. " I, uh... I have to talk to you, Dad. " "I need to speak to yo to dear" then we both straighten up and speak at the same time "I've decided I don't want to I think it's time you learn fight dragons. to fight dragons. " "what" "what" "ok ladies first" "no you go first" "Alright. You get your wish. Dragon training. You start in the morning. I then say (SCRAMBLING) "Oh man, I should've gone first. Uh, 'cause I was thinking, you know we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings, or small home REPAIR VIKINGS--"'great the seconde I change my mind he dose too the gods truly do hate me' I thought my dad then says " --You'll need this." And he hands me his axe. I avoid taking it. I" don't want to fight dragons." "Come on. Yes, you do." "Rephrase. Dad I can't kill dragons." "But you will kill dragons."  "No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't."  "It's time Hicca."  "Can you not hear me?"  "This is serious dear!" My dad said then he forces the axe into my hands. Its weight drags me down. I looks up to see dad under-lit with firelight. "When you carry this axe... you carry all of us with you. Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. No more of... "he then gestures non- specifically at me..." this." I then say a little hurt "You just gestured to all of me. " "Deal? " "This conversation is feeling very one-sided." Then my dad says with his stobuerness showing  "DEAL?!"i then glance at the axe in my hands. 'It's a no win argument ' i thought. I then say(RESIGNED) "Deal." Satisfied, my dad grabs his helmet and duffel bag... and heads for the door. "Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably." "And I'll be here. Maybe. Be careful dad i Love you" he then heads out the door with a quick huf leaving me holding the axe.

How to love your dragon *ABANDONED AND UP FOR ADOPTION*Where stories live. Discover now