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The next morning I awoke under toothless'S wing curled against him. I opened my eyes and all I could see is black but hey what should I expect when I'm sleeping under a dragons wing that's pitch black "wow never thought I'd be  sleeping under a dragons wing" I muttered aloud and I guess to loud because toothless started to stir in his sleep he then opened his eyes a little and did a cute toothless yawn then lifted his wing so I could get up when I got up and brushed any dirt off my cloths and streached a little I said "good morning toothless" 'good morning hicca' he replied back To me before getting up and also streaching he then changed into his human form "so what should we do today" toothless asks "well I have until 10 before training we're doing fitness today" "OK we should eat I'm starving" "when are you not starving toothless" "um let me think well there was that one time when I was a hatchling after the big feast"toothless says I laugh "so you we're only not starving once when you we're a hatchling" "yeah" toothless comfirms I laugh harder "what am I going to do with you" I manage to get out between my laughter "feed me maybe that would be good" toothless said I laugh "OK toothless I'll feed you because I'm hungry too  but after we finish eating I will have to leave for training Kay" "Kay hicca" toothless replied back so with that we leave the cave to catch some  fish while  doing that I had to tell toothless to wait for the fish to be cooked he pouted I giggled it was cute by the time we where done I had 5 huge cod I was only going to eat 1 the rest Are for toothless I really don't know where he puts it all because in both forms he's in good shape but he eats like a yak that haven't eaten in days in human form in dragon form he can eat a basket as tall as me full of fish and still be hungry seriously well any way when I was cleaning the fish toothless built a fire to cook on While I was cooking the fish me and toothless started a conversation while we we're eating toothless said "hey hicca I was wondering maybe you can take me to the village one day in my human form of course".OK that cought me off gaurd so I said  "I don't know toothless if they find out they will kill you" "yeah but how would they find out I'm a dragon" "well people don't exactly have scales as freckles" "oh well if any one asked I could say there tattoos maybe they do feel like skin and don't stick out" "well maybe I'll take you one day" "OK" and we continue eating and talking when we we're finished I got up so did toothless I I said "bye toothless see ya tommorow" "see ya" toothless said and pecked my cheek we both blushed I then started off when I looked up at the sun I guessed it was about 9:45 so I started running back because to walk from the cove to the village it takes 15-20 mins but running it takes 7-10 I am a very fast runner any way I got home in about 8 mins I quickly changed and grabbed a glass of yak milk and ran to the arena where we have to meet I was about 5 minutes when I got there I said "sorry I'm late I slept in" which wasn't a lie I got up at about 9:00am today when I usually wake up as to 7 "it's OK hicca it's only 5 minutes and the twins and snoutline are still not here" gobber said and that's when I noticed it was only me gobber fishlegs and Ashton here then we hear fighting and see the twins and snoutline  run up the stairs "oh I see your finally here your 10 minutes late" gobber said annoyed "OK today in training we are doing Fitness" gobber said then everyone but me and gobber groaned "in that we will be running around the forest 3 times" then gobber gave me a knowing smile because since I was six I've been running around this forest and I'm now up to seven laps with out getting tired but when gobber said that the protest spilled out of the others mouths "wha why  3 laps around the forest is like 20 miles" Ashton said I smirk and say "no actually it's 30 miles" "what" all the teens but me yell "it's not that much ya know" "not that much not that much are you crazy" snoutline said  "no it's not I can go seven laps without a break 3 easy I can do that without breaking a sweat" "yeah right"
"Ill price 3 laps is easy by uh" "how bout first one done gets 5 bucks from everyone else" snoutline said everyone agreed instantly even me I could use 25 bucks well actually not everyone agreed instantly fishlegs hesitated a second but then agreed well I guess I see why though don't tell anyone I thought this but I kinda wanna a see fishlegs run 30 miles don't say anything anyway "everyone you better get your money ready you see because I am gonna win SNOUTLINE SNOUTLINE OI OI OI" Snoutline said and yelled the last then tuffnut said "nah I'm gonna win" then ruffnut said "no I'm gonna win you idiot" then she hit him the as usual the twins started fighting then gobber said "OK OK let's start there are 7 Vikings at the edge of the forest and everyone has a pice of paper and charcole you must right your name on it each time you pass them now for a extra bounce first one done gets to go to the great hall for the party we have every Friday next Friday and can bring a friend with you and the last person done has dish duity for the rest of the month now ready set Go" then everyone went off sprinting determined except me I just did my normal pace even though it's not as fast as sprinting I'm going pretty fast then as bout 2 minutes everyone as starts going slow but me I'm still going the same speed as when I started I then pass everyone while I was running I started thinking a bout what gobber said that the first person done gets to go to the great hall for the party they have there every Friday next Friday which really is everyone 18 or over can go and get drunk I've been there once I didn't drink though just sat there snacking on some food I went home pretty quick I also thought that I would bring toothless I'm his human form with me because I'm 99% sure I will win but I would still go and bring toothless any way because we are both 18 I also though I should start on the thing for toothless I thought of when I'm done running just then I got to the first Viking I wrote my name on the paper I was first name then I grbed a cup of water from the buket of water there for us and start running again  and I do that 6 more times I then run to gobber which he was at the same place as before waiting for some one to come gobber also had a piece of paper and charcoal so I went up to him "hey gobber do I write my name on there too" I ask when gobber noticed me he looked surprised "well that was fast only 30 minutes" "really" "yeah and yes write your name here" I wrote my name "oh would you like a piece off bread" "sure" I said taking the bread I ate it fast and started running again until half way to the third Viking I find ruff and tuff wrestling Snoutline barley standing leaning against a tree panting and fishlegs passed out on the ground dreched in sweat I kept running no one noticed me though so I kept running I made it to the third Viking I wrote my name on the paper and started to run again When I was about 1 Viking away from gobber I see Ashton slightly jogging along sweat drenched and panting When he saw me he put on a face of confusion and he sputtered out "wha what how you you we're in front of me" I replied to him with "I am still just a whole lap in front Almost on my third lap" his jaw just dropped and he came to a stop I secretly smirked and continued to run when I finally made it to gobber he was a little shocked "wow I didn't even think you we're that fast 2 laps around the forest in a little over an hour good job only 1 more lap to go" I then went for my last lap around I went by like a breze when I got to gobber after my third lap he started cheering "hura lass ya did it ya get te come to the great hall for the weekly party so who ya bringin with ya" my god father questioned me "uh um I don't know" I lied gobbet looked sceptic at me for a moment but then let it slide and said "OK so since e everyone else is still on there first or decode lap what are you going to do for the rest of the day" "uh I don't know maybe make something" I say "oh good now off with you for you class is dismissed" "OK bye gobber" "bye Hicca" gobber yelled as I ran off towards the forge it was about noon So I made a little pit stop at home and made a  yak chess and Lamb sandwich after eating I went to the forge I first went to my private work place r
gobber gave me years ago. I took out my note book and fliped to the page with my first drawing of toothless and are drew the tail fin after I started drawing plans for a new one that's right im makeing toothless a new one after designing the prosthetic tail fin I gathered all the nesasary materials and got to work I  was cutting sewing melting metal till bout midnight only taking a 20 min break for dinner at 6. anyway I finished at about midnight and I can't wait to give it to toothless because if it works it will give him back his flight.

How to love your dragon *ABANDONED AND UP FOR ADOPTION*Where stories live. Discover now