for you

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(Warning toothcup fluff ahead)
The next day I woke up and rushed around my room getting ready I even knocked a few things over after about 6 minutes I was dressed so I rushed to thei great hall to eat I grabed some chicken eggs and yak Bacon and a glass of yak milk I ate it really fast because I was exited to see toothless reaction to the prosthetic tail fin after eating I ran to the fordge and grabed a big woven basket then ran to the dock and bought anuf fish to fill it then I lugged it to the forest and I went to a bush and took out toothless tail fin out and put it on top of the basket and head to the cove
I arrive, winded, straining under the weight of the full basket. I click the scale I found (like a jar top). Toothless approaches, in his dragon form 'hey hicca'. "Hey Toothless. I brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry." 'When am I not hungry' I laugh and drop the basket and kick it over. Fish spill out. "Okay, that's disgusting." i Say Toothless approaches,'no it's not it's delisouse' toothless said settling in to devour the feast. I then say "Uh..we've got some salmon..."Toothless swallows it. ""... some nice Icelandic cod..." 'oh my favourite' toothless said and Swallows those too.
"... and a whole smoked eel. Woops i didnt see them put that in there" Toothless nabs it, chews a few times, then spits it out. He shakes his head violently, snorts and scrubs his massive tongue on the sand.'get it away get it away' "No, no, no! It's okay. Yeah, I don't like eel much either." Toothless focuses on the remainder. With Him distracted, i unwrap his prosthetic fin and opens it like a fan. "Okay. That's it. That's it, just stick with good stuff. And don't you mind me. I'll just be Minding my own business." I say cautiously approaching his injured tail, but every time I get near it, Toothless sweeps it away like a cat. "It's okay"I say and drops to a knee on top of toothlesses tail. "Okay...okay.. " toothless tenses, slowly spreading his wings. I strap the prosthetic fin in place. I tighten the straps.
"There. Not too bad." I say pleased It works. becuase Toothless BOLTS! He snaps his massive wings and takes to the air, carrying me with him."Woah! No! No! No!" I say struggling to hold on to the tail. As the ground speeds away, Toothless immediately TIPS into a uncontrolled bank and dive. I then see the folded fin rattling uselessly in opposition to its flared counterpart. Flap as he may, Toothless can't correct his trajectory. So
swallowing my fears I crawl toward the folded prosthetic. I reach it and YANK it open. The flared, fan- like appendage catches the air, stabilizing the twisting tail. I then say excited,and terrified "It's working!"Toothless arcs just short of the water and climbs... high into the air. "Yes! Yes, I did it." Toothless then glances back at me, 'hicca what are you doing you'll get hurt' he said to me worried but im busy holding the tail open while trying to hold on to anwser.then suddenly i am thrown from the tail in the intense force of a turn. I can here toothless think yell 'hicca' as I bounce across the water's surface and takes a dive. Without me to operate the tail, Toothless does the same, plunging in a massive cannonball. Toothless appears seconds later. Worried looking for me 'hicca hicca are you all right' "Yeah!" I yell as I resurface beaming because it actually worked toothless then turns to human form and chuckles "well I'll take that as a yes then" he said coming up and huging me from behind once we we're on shore "as long as your OK" he countinued and I blushed "so what was that" he asked me I turn around so I can face him "well you see I felt bad since you couldn't fly anymore because I shot you down so I made you a prosthetic tail fin to fly again and don't worry that you broke it it was only a proto type I made it last night" he looked at me with a shocked face and said "you made that in one night" "yeah" I say pushing a pice of stray hair behind my ear "so do you like it" "no I don't like it I love it I could kiss you ...I could. I mean I'd like to. I'd... may I? We me....I mean, may we? Wait, what?" toothless rambled my heart fluttered because he asked to kiss me because I have the huges crush on him so I giggled and kissed him on the cheek and said "we may" he then started leaning in and so did I are eyes slowly drifted shut. then are lips collided into one another the second his lips touched mine I could feel the sparks I never want this to end I then slowly snake my arms around his neck bringing him closer then his arms around my waist tightened and he pulled me closer to him and we kissed harder and I smiled so did toothless we then broke apart panting for air toothless then put his forehead on mine and said a little out of breath "hicca can I tell you something" I nodded with a smile on my face "hicca I really like like you" I smiled wider pecked his lips and said "toothless I really like like you to" his smile widened to he then took his forehead off mine but we were still hugging with my arms around his neck and his around my waist "so uhm hicca I was wondering if you would like to do something like a date" toothless asked nervously "yeah and I know what we should do" I responded "oh really what" toothless asked with a smirk "yeah well you see in fitness I can go to the weekly party in the great hall for everyone in the village 18 or over with a friend well I could of went anyway but I was wondering if we could do that togther there's dancing sing drinking and food" toothles thought for a moment and said "sure I have wanted to see the village but what if people ask who I am" "oh I thought of that all we should do is arrive half hour after every one else because by then there all drunk any way and won't be wondering" "you thought of every thing didn't you" "yep" I say piping the p toothless then leaned down and pecked my lips and said "and that's one of the reasons I like like you" I giggle but then a burst of wind came by causing me to shivier in my wet clothes "are you cold" toothless asked me concerned I nodded and put my head on toothless chest put almost a soon as I did that toothless broke the hug pulling me towards the cave we made his home for now like the other day I bright him a bunch of furs and 5 more outfits he loved them all any way toothless started pulling me towards the cave "what are you doing" I ask "takeing you to the cave to be warmed up" he said pulling me more then before I could say anything else toothless pushed me down on to his 'bed' softly so I will sit there then he took a fur blanket and put it around my shoulders he then went over to the corner and rummaged through a few things then came back to me and through me a big T-shirt "what's that for" I ask "put it on you need to get out of your wet cloths before you get sick and don't worry it's clean" "OK just can you go outside so I can change" "yeah of course" toothless said then headed out with a pair of clothes to change into to when he was gone I quickly took off my top skirt and leggings so I was just in my bra and underwear and slipped the shirt on and it came to just above my knee like I knew it would I then put my cloths on a piece of rope by the fire pit we dug full of wood when I finished ranging my leggings I heard toothless yell "hicca are you done it's starting to rain "yeah I am just hanging my clothes up"I yell back then I see toothless come in around the bend "you know you should wear my shirts more often they look cute on you"I blush then all the sudden I hear thunder and jump letting out a little scream toothless chuckles "scared of storms" I blush looking down and nod "come here I'll protect you Vikings don't call me the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself for nothing you know" toothless said with his arms out waiting for me to come I just stood there until I heard thunder again then I ran into his arms he wraped his arms around me then after a minute let go then lead me to his 'bed' so we could sit and lean against the cave wall I sat down first while toothless grabed the fur blanket he then put it around us after putting his arm around my shoulder to keep us warm after I put my head on his shoulder then smirked and said "you know when the Vikings call you the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself I don't get why because I'd say you we're more 1third kitten 1 third dog and 1third bat a kitdogat not a dragon" toothless pouted and said "hey" "what it's true" I say causing toothless to pout more I giggle then suddenly my stomach grumbles since I missed lunch and it's probably around dinner time now "you hungry" "yeah" I mumble "OK come on" toothless says getting up I get up to and follow him to the mini pond we dug in the cave so toothless didn't have to always go out to the pond to get fish it has about 10 fish in it me and toothless fish 2 out build a fire and cook them when we we're done eating we went back to where we were siting and cuddled and talked some more then about 5 hours later of talking and ran Dr on games I yawn and say "goodnight toothless" "goodnight hicca" toothless said then kissed my forehead and that's the last thing I remember before sleep took over me.

How to love your dragon *ABANDONED AND UP FOR ADOPTION*Where stories live. Discover now