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Me: hi unfortunately this is not an update
Ashton: really then why are we here
Me:because I have an announcement
Toothless: really an announcement I love announcements oh let me guess next chapter. do me and hicca finnaly get to kiss?
Hicca:(blushing) sorry about him toothless had his first taste of sugar and let's say he had a little to much (slaps toothless in the back of the head) and you don't be rude and intturupt people
Tuffnut; oh that looks fun I want to try
Ruffnt:OK but I want to try after (slaps Tuffnut in the back of the head)
Tuffnut: it is fun your turn (slaps ruffnut in the back of the head now then the twins start slaping each other in the back of the head taking turn)
Me; like I was saying
Snoutline: (googly eyes at toothless.walking over just noticing him) why hello there are you new to Berk I'm snoutline
Toothless:(uncomfortable with how close she is getting) uh yay I'm new to Berk you can say I'm toothless
Snoutline:(Flirty voice) well if your new I can show you around the island and maybe after we can hang out at my place (wink)
Toothless:(still uncofortable) uh no thanks im good
Snoutline:are you sureee
Snoutline:(flirty voice again)fine how bout we skip the tour of the island and just go to my house
Me: OK how did all of you never mind like I was saying I have an announcement as you may have guessed by the title of
tuffnut: title of what
Me: ugh title of this chapter
ruffnut:you idiot (slaps tuffnut)
Me:OK that's it (tired of inturuption duck tapes tuffnut,ruffnut,snoutline,Ashton,and toothless's mouth shut) now hicca since you've been nice and haven't rudely inturuted I will not tape your mouth shut but if you do I will be forced to use this (has duck tape in hand and pull it so it's a long strip)
Hicca:(gulp) on I understand
Me:good now like I was saying I have an announcement it is I have nominated this story for the wattsy 2015 now was that so hard to listen to
Everyone else:(shakes their head no)
Me:now since you are all here I would like to also say the next chapter should be up in the next few days
Readers:(cheer) FINALLY
Me:yay see you all soon bye (wave)
How to love your dragon cast:(waves)
Hicca:bye (looks over at toothless) toothless says bye to.

(Ps. there have been no spoilers for the next chapter only toothless high hopes getting to him)

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