why did I do that

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(Yes it is possible for me to get a point of view) I woke up with hicca in my arms I looked at her face she had a pieace of her hair on her face I don't know why I did it but I brushed the hair behind her ear then watched her sleep not wanting to wake her and the only thought going through my head was 'hicca looks cute sleeping' I then decide to wake her since the sun was up already I shook her a little and said "hicca time to get up" the only response I got was "five more minutes" I chuckle. this time stand up and back up a little a go into my dragon form I then went down and pounced onto hicca licking her face playfully she woke up in a fit of laughter almost yelling "toothless haha sto.. haha St-stop it" I did stop and she stood up and wiped her face clean when doing that I changed back into my human form and walked over to her when I came In arms reach hicca punched me in the arm it didn't hurt that much she then said "that's for waking me up like that"we both laugh I then get an idea that hicca will probley kill me for but it's worth it I get a mistviouse smirk I then go up behind hicca and pick her up bridal style hicca screamed then said "toothless what are you doing " I only smirk and throw hicca into the pond she screams and lands in the middle with a splash when she came up her face was priceless I couldn't help it I burst out laughing I was laughing so hard that I fell to the ground clutching my stomach until I heard hicca yell in rage "toothless your gonna pay for this" i got up when hicca was running towards me I started running with hicca right after me we we're like that for a while until hicca tackled me and we landed with me on the bottom and hicca on top we we're both red I the asked "so what do I pay" I ask her she got off me and replied with "this" she then pushed me into the pond and she started laughing when I surfaced I saw hicca still laughing so I grab her wrist and pull her in to the pond we ended up having a water war until I got hungry so I asked hicca "are you hungery I am" she nodded "OK" I then went over and grabbed 2 fish with my nightfury super speed I saw swimming by while hicca setup a fire she was about to light it when I said "allow me" and even in my human form I can breath fire just not as much so I blew a little flam and it made a nice fire hicca cooked the fish I caught while I got some water for us to drink when we we're both done we started to eat the fish on the first bite I couldn't believe how good it tasted "hicca you know you are a really good cook" hicca blushed and muttered "thanks" to me after we we're done eating we started talking more "....I. had to hide from Gobber for the whole day I swear if he found me I wouldn't be here right now" "well you did blow up the forge" "but it was gobbers fault he left a six year old alone to make a explosive" we we're both laughing "yeah it is but why did you have to make it in the first place" I asked "well if you think us Vikings are fit don't it is a very rare thing in Berk to be fit they wanted ithe explosives to make a new well" we burst out in even more laughter and continued telling story's till the sun started to go down "uh I should probley go now toothless I have metting for dragon training tonight." "OK will you come back tommorow" "yes I will" hicca said then I said "bye goodnight hicca" "bye and goodnight toothless" she the leaned over and

(A/N Ha Ha you probley hate me for the sepence right now I'm so evil)
Kissed my cheek.
She ran off with a red face probley the same shade as mine and you know what all I did was stand there with my hand on the cheek she kissed smiling like an idiot and now I just realized I might have a crush on hicca.
after I left the cove only thing running through my head was ' now he might figure out I have a crush on him even though we just met why did I do that, why did I do that, why did I do that,why did ........' all the way back to Berk
So a little toothcup fluff in this chapter and how is the story so far please comment and tell me how you like the toothless point of view and if you want some one else's P.O.V then feel free to suggest it I will try to fit it in to the story if I can. I would also like to say thank you to all my readers I never would have amagined my story at almost the 300 mark it'S just wow I thought 50 tops so thanks again and enjoy until next time bye

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