the incident

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the next day I got up early for training I got dressed in my favorite outfit it is my green knee high dress with my brown leggings and boots and my fur vest. After I got dressed I went to the great hall to eat when I got there only a few Vikings grabbed a some fish and a few vegetables and ate when I was done I went and got a shield and a fish and put them close to the cove so I can go after training. After that I went home to grab my journal I then started to draw about half an hour later Gobber came to get me for dragon training . Me and Gobber we're the first their within 20 minutes every one else came when they did Gobber opened the gates to a maze-like arrangement of moveable walls. And said " mornin hope your all ready for dragon training we're going against the deadly madder now everyone grab a shield so we may begin" and every one grabbed a shield and this time Gobber made sure to get two shields with a skull. About 5 minutes of being in the ring my curiosity gets the better of me and I wander over to Gobber to say "You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet? " then KABLAM! A blast takes the axe head off of my hilt, leaving a smoking hole behind me i YELP and RUN. Gobber tells me "FOCUS Hicca! You're not even trying." Then to everyone else " Today... is all about attack." I can see The Nadder hop from wall to wall, sending the others scurrying. Gobber then tell everyone "Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter."The others move in, I see The Nadder spots Fishlegs' ample rear hiding behind a wall. It whips its tail of spikes.I can hear Fishlegs girly SCREAMS and i can see him lift an entire wall to shield himself from the spray I giggle it looked funny . Then i hear fishlegs yell "I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods." I just think 'really your just questioning them now' Gobber then said "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike." Next thing I know I hear ruffnut yell
"How about I give you one!" And i see Ruff and Tuff shoving each other, till their movement and noise gives them away. Then the Nadder ATTACKS, SNAPPING at both of them. And Gobber said " Blind spot? Yes. Deaf spot? Not so much." I wander up to Gobber again , while the others dart past. And ask "Hey, so how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" Gobber tells me "None one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale. Now get in there." I say xI know, I know, but hypothetically..." then i hear ashton whisper "Hicca!" he then puts his finger to his lips and gestures for me to hide. A moment later, the Nadder leaps over the walls, surprising us by landing in front of him . Ashton somersaults into its blind spot, confusing it. he rears back to strike -- just as Snotline LEAPS IN, protectively SWEEPING Ashton behind her. And i hear snotline say "Watch out babe. I'll take care of this." Then Ashton yells
"Hey!" When Snotline MISSES. Ashton glares at her. snout line then said (DEFENSIVE) "The sun was in my eyes, Ashton . What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I could do that, but I don't have time right now!"Then the Nadder tears off after Ashton , knocking down walls in pursuit. he leaps and dives like a highly trained gymnast. I wander up to Gobber again. And say "They probably take the daytime off. You know, like a cat. Has anyone ever seen one napping?"gobber then said "Hicca!" Then i hear ashton say my name I spin around to see the maze walls collapsing like dominos toward me . Ashton comes flying through the dust and before I can move away crash-lands on top of me , laying us out in a limb-tangled mess. Then I hear tuffnut teaseing Ashton by "Oooh! Love on the battlefield!" And ruffnut saying "he could do better."Then the Nadder closes in, emerging through the cloud of dust. I say (struggling to untangle us ) "Just... let me... why don't you... "The Nadder spins around and races back toward us like a Raptor. Ashton untangles himself and tries to pull his axe from my shield... which is attached to my limp, gangly arm. He PLANTS his hand on my chest I am shocked and can't move then he YANKS the axe free, still burrowed into the shield. Like nothing happened he SPINS and SWINGS the axe and shield, scoring a DIRECT HIT on the oncoming Nadder's NOSE. It yelps and scurries off. I still shocked with my hand over my chest sit up everyone but Ashton is actually scocked he then comes over angiry and glaring and yells at me ME like he hasn't done a nuff "Is this some kind of a joke to you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on." He then FINALLY. Notices my position he then comes over with a little care in his eyes and said "hicca..." but I cut him off by standing up with my arm still over my chest and I slap him hard across the face (i mean hard theres a giant red hand mark on his face and by the looks of it will bruise) and yell"don't hicca me how dare you to think I used to like you" I then run off crying still holding were ashton touched me I start to go to the only place I feel safe right now and that place for some reason is the cove with the night fury.
After hicca ran off crying I was frozen in shock now realizing what I did to her I was just standing there mouth agaped until Gobber started screaming at me "YOU SON OF HALFTROLL RAT EATING MUNGE BUCKET!." He then luaches at me punching me in the face he then walks off muttering about how I should sleep with one eye open and about coming back with his hammer hand I stand there with a slap mark starting to turn purple and a newly fo err Ming black eye the tuffnut said "dude what we're you thinking doing that if that was Gobber imagine when the chief finds out you'd be wishing to be banished" I then pale thinking about what will happen if the chief finds out because I did that to his daughter his only daughter and heir to Berk tuff is right I will be wishing for banishment I then run home when I hear Gobber coming back when I opened the door SLAP 'come on is it turn ashtons face black and blue day' I think but all I say is "ow" then I see my mom slapped me she then yell at me " ASHTON MARIANNA HOFFERSON WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DOING THAT TO THE CHIEFS DAUGHTER" I stand there stunded how did she find out "how did you..." mom cut me off "Gobber told me"
"OK my diffence it was an accident the Nadder was coming at me so I jumped and landed on hicca and my axe got stuck in her shield then the nadder was still coming so by mistake I put my hand on HICCA'S chest to get my axe out of her shield " "Ashton your grounded no hanging out with your friends and I will take your axe you can only get it back if their is a dragon raid for the next 2 months your only allowed to go to the arena and here and when were are eating you are sitting with me and not your friends now give me your axe and go to your room unless you want three months young man " I reluctantly give my mom my axe then I go to my room.

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