chapter 7

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When I get to the great hall I hear Gobber say "He's right, you have to be tough on yourselves." When i come in All eyes turn to me , entering the hall, sheepishly. Gobber glares at me Gobber then said still glaring at me "Where did Hicca go wrong in the ring today?" I tried to take a seat at the table... when tuffnut said "she showed up. " and ruffnut said "she didn't get eaten. ..." I tried again to sit but they all keep closing the gaps. Rolling my eyes, i sit at the vacant table next to them. Ashton then said "she's never where she should be." Gobber said
"Thank you, Ashton". Gobber then stands. And says " You need to live and breathe this stuff." Gobber Then lays a giant book in the center of the table. And tells us "The dragon manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Then A RUMBLE of thunder shakes the hall. i can see Rain pouring down outside. " No attacks tonight. Study up." 'Yep they are really going to read that" I think sarcasticaly Gobber then leaves into the storm, leaving them staring at the book while i finish eating Tuffnut then said in a you've got to be kidding voice "Wait, you mean read?" Then ruffnut finishies her brothers sentece "While we're still alive?" Snoutline the said "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?" Then of corces fishlegs said " Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week... " The other teens stare as Fishlegs goes on too long. Tuffnut then said "Yeah, that sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that..." "...but now..." Snotline gets up to go.every one leave but me and Ashton he looks like he is considering reading it so I say "we can share"he cuts me off with "read it" then he starts walking away "oh great all mine then see you.." then I was cut off by a door slamming "tommorow jerk" I finished I then open the massive book. Thunder BOOMS outside. The hall is vacant and dark, eccept for the few candles I pulled together. I pour through page after page of strange and frightening dragons. I then mutter " Dragon classifications. Strike class. Fear class. Mystery class." I turn the page. "Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight." My eyes drift to a lurid illustration of decapitated Vikings. Another page, another dragon. " Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can slice through full grown trees...extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. Scauldron. Sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous."The storm outside rages against the shuttered windows. It startles me a little but i presses on reading . " Changewing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight."i begin flipping through the pages. theres A blur of dragons... " Gronckle. Zippleback. The Skrill. Bone Knapper. Whispering Death. Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims. Turns its victims inside-out. Extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. Kill on sight. Kill on sight... " 'man do we kill every thing on sight' i think i finally lands upon the page i've been looking for. "Night Fury." The pages are BLANK -- no image, except for a few, sparse details. " Speed unknown. Size unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself Never engage this dragon. Your only chance, hide and pray it does not find you." I then pull my sketchbook out of my vest and opens it to my drawing of the dragon i lays it over the book's blank page. 'I must learn more about it' I think before leaving and going home for some rest.

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