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Hi I would like to say thank you to every one who reads this becuse I'm super happy (happy dance) because I now have 60 plus reads on this I know that's not a lot but hey my previous record was 31 reads on a story so yeah this is my most popular story so thank you again and here you go.

After I get up and eat I see I'm a little behind when I get there I see Gobber raises a massive iron gate at the entrance of a vast stone arena. I then hear him say "Welcome to dragon training!" Every one else files through the gate, and out onto the arena floor. They take it in like gladiators entering the colosseum. The walls are covered in scorched silhouettes of blasted Vikings. It's a grim yet awe-inspiring place.I then hear Ashton say "No turning back." I also hear tuffnut say "I hope I get some serious burns." And Ruffnut say " I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back." I then hear ashton agree sayin "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." I then say sarcastically "Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain. Love it." The teens turn to see me behind them. they Groan but I don't know why but some sound forced . Then Ruffnut says "Oh great. Who let her in?" OK that stung a little. Gobber then said "Let's get started! The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." I then cough to correct him "I mean the recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his or her first dragon in front of the entire village." Snoutline then said "Hicca already killed a Night Fury, so does that disqualify her or...?" All the teens laugh and ruffnut said " Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?" Gobber then throws a supportive arm around Me and ushers me along. Gobber then tells me (cheery,and in confidence) "Don't worry. You're small and you're weak. That'll make you less of a target. They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking-like teens instead." I give him my 'is that supposed to help face'
Gobber then stick me in line with the others and continues on toward five massive reinforced doors. I can allredy hear terrible terror roars and bellows Gobber then tells everyone "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight." From here i can see and hear Fishleg's bounce and giggle with excitement, barely able to contain himself. Gobber then tells us what dragon we will fight and fishlegs say facts about each dragon gobber mention's but I wasn't paying attention because I still counldnt get that dragon out of my head but I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Gobber yell "CAN YOU STOP THAT?!" then say "And...the Gronckle." Fishlegs the said (quietly; to himself) "Jaw strength, eight." Gobber then pulls a lever, raising the cross beam on the last of the doors. Snoutline then said "Whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first!?" since I've been working with Gobber since I was four I say "no he is not " I then get my best Gobber impression and say "I believe in learning on the job" Gobber then said "unfortunately hicca is correct" and then with that BAM! A GRONCKLE thunders out of its cave, charging into the ring like an irate rhino. We all scramble in every direction. Except for Ruffnut and Tuffnut who rush toward it, like pumped-up rodeo clowns. Gobber then says "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead. Quick, what's the first thing you're going to need?" I guess by saying "A doctor?". 'Wait no that's after' I though Fishlegs guesses "Plus five speed?" Ashtons says "A shield." And of corse he is correct when gobber said " Shields. Go." We scramble for shields, finding them scattered around the ring. Gobbrr continues
"Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield." I struggle to lift mine . Gobber helps me and sends me running. i see that Ruff and Tuff stand amidst a dozen shields. But only one has a skull painted on it. so They both grab it. I can hear tuffnut say "Get your hands off my shield!" And ruffnut respond with "There are like a million shields!" Tuffnut then said back to her " Take that one, it has a flower on it. Girls like flowers." And he said the wrong thing because Ruffnut uses the shield to BASH Tuffnut in the face. But He doesn't let go. ruffnut then said with fake concern "Ooops, now this one has blood on it." Then the Gronckle takes aim at the distracted twins. and Blam! The shield is blasted out of both of their hands. Tuff and Ruff SPIN like tops and go down. Gobber then said "Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you're out!" Tuffnut said (DAZED) and ruffnut said (CONFUSED) "What?!" The Gronckle then scoops up a pile of rocks and SWALLOWS them back. The other s gather on the far side of the ring. Gobber then tells us
"Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it to throw off a dragon's aim." Then we scoop up weapons and begin hammering on our shields.I see The Gronckle shake its head at the clatter. I can see it is working Gobber then continues "All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?" Snoutline guessed "Five!" but fishlegs corrected her "No, six."Gobber then said "Correct, six. That's one for each of you!" 'Oh great' I thought then I hear fishlegs say
"I really don't think my parents WOULD--" he was cut off though with a BAM! i see Fishlegs has his shield blasted away from were i am gobber then tells fishlegs "Fishlegs, out."Gobber then spots me hiding from the Gronckle's molten slugs. Gobber tells me "Hicca ,get in there!" I can now see Ashton cartwheel out of the way, allowing a shot to shoot past him and hit Snotlines shield. She's blasted onto her back. Gobber yells "Snotline! You're done!"Ashton ROLLS to a stop beside me, i stir awkwardly, trying to look cool. I then say with my voice breaking "So, I guess it's just you and me" then Ashton told me "no just you"
Ashton then ROLLS away. A split-second later a lava slug knocks my shield clear off of my arm.I am now exposed. Gobber then tells me "One shot left" I panic and chases after my shield as it rolls across the ring. The sudden movement sends the Gronckle chasing after me , leaving Ashton in the clear. Gobber the said worried "Hicca!" The Gronckle drives straight toward me , pinning me against the wall. It opens its mouth and cocks its tail, ready to fire point-blank. then Gobber lunges in and hooks the Gronckle's mouth at the last second, causing its head to jerk back and fire against the stone wall above my head. Gobber the said (rattled, but masking it I could tell ) "And that's six!" Gobber wrestles the irate Gronckle back into his pen. Gobber then said "Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage! You'll get another chance, don't you worry" then . Slam! Lock. Gobber turns to us and says "Remember... a dragon will always, (with a stern look to me ) always go for the kill." He hoists me to my feet and walks off. I look overhead to see a steaming pit in the solid stone wall. and think 'then why didn't the night fury '

How to love your dragon *ABANDONED AND UP FOR ADOPTION*Where stories live. Discover now