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The next morning I woke up with hicca in my arms.I brush a strand of hair off her face and I smiled,remembering last night. I still can't believe that hicca feels the same way, and not just that we kissed. It was the best kiss I ever had, but it was also my first kiss. I wonder if it was hers to, nah probably not she's beautiful I'm surprised she didn't have a boyfriend already. I'm actually going to ask her to be my girlfriend officially, we probably already are boyfriend girlfriend but I want to make it official. I have a plan to. I looked at her peaceful sleeping face. Hicca then started to stir. I look at her and suddenly, her forest green eyes that I love flutter open.she smiles and said "God morning toothless" I smile to and say "good morning Hicca how did you sleep" I then give her a quick Peck on the lips "perfectly because I was in your arms" Hicca said, with a blush. I chuckle and say "is that so" she nods with a brighter blush. I then stand up and go over to put some wood on the dying fire. After I see hiccas clothes hanging up, so I check if they are dry,they are..I then head back over to Hicca, who is still curled up under the fur."well are you gonna get up today or not" I ask with a chuckle."I don't know is it still raining" hicca asked me. After she asked,I went to the opening in the cave to look outside,it was still raining hard. So I went back to we're hicca was and said "it's still raining","oh well then I'm sleeping longer good thing there's no training today". After hicca pulls the fur over her head,I laugh. "Get up or I'll tickle you out" hicca just gives a 'huff' sound and turns over so I get ready and kneel beside hicca, and tickle her she starts laughing. "ttttootthless ssstop pppleasse" hicca struggles out between laughter. "no unless you get up" I say,"look fffine jjjust sstop pppleeease." Hicca told me through laughter, then with an evil smirk I tickle her a little more. Then I stop and sit so I'm no longer on my knees, hicca sits up too."so what are we going to do all day in the cave since it's still pouring",she asks me. I shrug "you chose" I tell her. "OK fine can we eat I'm starving" "yes I'm starving too" I told her I could see her silently giggling I pouted making the giggling auto able. I then get up, and grab her dry clothes, and through them to her saying "here". She looks at them for a moment, then picks them up off her lap. "Uh toothless could you go outside for a moment so I can change". She asked me "ofh sure" I say,heading around the corner and out off the cave. When I was outside the cave to give hicca privacy. I went over to the small blackberry bush and, picked a good bunch. When I was done I went to the entrance of the cave and yelled "hicca can I come in." "Yea I'm done" I heard hicca yell back. So I went back in with the berries. I put them on the 'table' well really, it's a big flat rock in the middle of the cave. when hicca saw the berries she asked "so where'd ya get the black berries toothy." I didn't awnser I just raised an eybrow at her, and asked "toothy." She blushed and said "yeah I thought it would be a cute Nickname for you." I then did a little chuckle and said "well if you get to call me toothy I want to call you something cute too." "Fair what" hicca said. I give a smirk and said "I get to call you hiccy my little hiccy." "W-what" she stuttered I frowned. "What you don't like it" I asked her. "No it's not that it's just well you see in Viking ways a hiccy is something you get after an make out section or um farther" 'oh that makes sense as to why she stuttered' I thought "so you don't want me to call you that then"I ask "no you can call me that I think its kinda cute if you don't think about it" hicca said putting a piece of stand hair behind her ear with a blush creeping up her cheeks while looking down at her feet I thought it was cute she looked so innocent. I chuckle "OK then hiccy" I tell her she looks up and said "yea toothy" "let's eat I'm starving" I say "good Idea me to" said hicca and with that I start a fire while hicca gets and cleans the fish I cook after eating I ask "so what should we do now" hicca shrugs but then said "how bout hide n go seek in the cave no leaving and no dragon form" I look around their are a lot of places to hide "sure I'll count first" I told her "OK count to 20 while I hide no peeking" hicca told me I then closed my eyes and went against the wall I heard hicca run off when I started counting
(chorus to ready or not by briget mendler playing in the background) "1,2,3,4,5,6,7......19,20 ready or not here I come" I yell I uncover my eyes and start too look around I look around the corn or first nope I look behind things in cracks big a nuff for hicca to go through nothing
(Back ground music of ready or not chours stops)
after another half hour I finally gave up and yelled out "OK hicca I give up come out you win this round" I then sit down on my 'bed' just as I sit hicca springs up from under the covers with a roar latching onto my back I screamed with a jump hicca started to laugh so hard she doubled over with tears in her eyes "haha yo-you should of-f s-seen y-your f-f-face bwahaha" hicca said through laughter I couldn't help it anymore and I started laughing too when we calmed down I asked her "so wanna play another round or do you wanna do something else" "well is only be fair for you to hide but if you want to do something else that's good" "hicca told me "how bout one more round then something else" "sounds good" hicca told me then faced the wall and started counting I quickly ran to a hole in the corn or of the wall that was just big a nuff for me to fit in to I then heard hicca yell "ready or not here I come" looking through the hole just anuf so I can see hicca but she can't see me she started looking around for me "come out come out where ever you are" hicca said softly I chuckle silently hicca then went back to looking she lifted up a rock to check is I was there a nd I couldn't help it I let out a snort of amusement her head snapped up and she headed right twords me I backed up as far as I can and curled up with my knees to my chest hoping if she did check here she wouldn't see me I really want to win this round and I do have a little advantage with wearing a black clothing and my hair is pitch black so I hope I camouflage into the darkness but to no provale for when she checked in here her eyes instantly darted to me her face lit up and she uellef happly "yes I found you I win again and to think night furys are known for there stealthyness are they not" she said the later part with a hand under her head as a thinking guester. I just laughed and said "ya ya ya rub it in all you want but may I remind you I'm in human form and not dragon" "OK fine so what do you wanna do now" she said I shrugged and said "how bout a game of would you rather" "OK me first toothy would you rather be human for the rest of your life or a dragon for the rest of your life"hicca asked me and I didn't have to think twice about it "honestly I would rather be human for the rest of my life wanna know why" I ask hicca slightly nodded "because if I we're only a dragon I wouldn't have my little hiccy and wouldn't be able to do this" I then leaned over and pecked her on the lips her checks got a tint of pink "now would I" "I guess not well you could but it would be awkward ecpesially if some one saw us" hicca said I manly giggled getting the mental image of a random Vikings reaction seeing me kissing hicca in dragon form I guess hicca did to because she also started to giggle after hiccas giggles and my manly giggles subsided I said "OK my turn hiccy would you rather go to vahala without ty our true love or live forever with your true love watching the rest of your family and friends grow old and die while your forever young" I ask hicca thought it throw for a minute but then answered " well I would rather live forever with my true love because f I went to vahalla without my true love it wouldn't be vhalla to me" hicca said she then said "well guess it's my turn OK would you rather eat a Vikings stinky old boot that was thrown out becuse of the smell and for a Viking it would mean you could smell it from the other side of the island literally or if you had a girlfriend to meet her over protective violient father for the first time because she is pregnate at 18" hicca asked before thinking I blurted out "eat the boot" Im guessing that was my survival instincts kicking in and before hicca can say anything I ask "my turn would you rather only drink sour yak milk for a month or lick a Vikings feet" "well if you have ever seen a Vikings feet except mine since I bath regularly you would see an inch of dirt and probably smell them from a mile away so sour yak milk for a month" hicca said I gave out a snort at her description of other Vikings feet she then said "my turn toothy would you rather uh you know what I can't think of anything else can you" I try to think of another one but I can't so ireplue "no let's do something else it's still raining out" "sure let's play truth or dare your allowed 3 passes and 2 sendbacks where the one that asked has to do the dare or awser instead of you" hicca suggested "sure me first hiccy truth or dare" I say hicca thinks for a moment and said "dare" "OK I dare you to wear my shirt for the rest of the day" I say hicca nods and grabs the shirt she was wearing earlier and slips it on over her cloths but then pulls her arms through the sleeves and takes her shirt off under it pulls it through the arm hole in my shirt and through it to the side so now hicca is wearing my black shirt that goes to just above her knee with her brown leggings and skirt that is no longer visable and what can I say she looks cute in my shirts she sits down and ask me "toothy truth or dare" I think for a moment and say "dare" "OK I dare you to play the rest of the game shirtless" I shrug and take off my shirt reviling my six pack hicca stares for a moment before looking away with a blush I then ask "hicca truth or dare" she thought for a moment and said "hmm truth I guess" "OK what is your favorite type of dragon" "oh that's easy terrible terrior there so cute and small" I pout hiccas favourite dragon isn't a night fury "aww you know I'm just kidding it's a night fury but terrible terrors do come in second" "good" I say "OK truth or dare" "dare...." I say and that's what we did for hours and let's just say hicca can be quite creative with some dares about 4 hours after I can tell that hicca was running out of dares and questions like me so I decided It was time to ask the big question to hicca I hope with all my heart she says yes "OK hicca truth or dare" I ask "truth" she said I'm glad she said yes "OK your question is willyoubemygirlfriend" I say the last part super fast because of nervousness "what repeat please and slower this time I know your a night fury and they are fast but it dosn't mean your mouth should also be to" hicca tells me "OK I said hicca will you be my girlfriend" I asked slower hicca just looked at me for a moment and let's just say even though it was like thirdy seconds it felt like years and it killed me but then she smiled and said
"Yes. Toothless yes I will be your girlfriend" she then tackled me in a hug we were both laughing "good to hear hiccy" I tell her sitting up "good to say toothy" hicca tells me also sitting up and then I lean over and give her a kiss and she kisses back immediately when we brake apart I look into her eyes and that's the moment I realise I don't like hicca hurendouse haddock the third I love her.
A/N So how was it is it good was the ending a little rushed I don't know anyway I would like to thank everyone that has ever read voted or commented on thia because this is my my most popular story with 1.3k reads so thank you and also I'm sorry for not updating faster it's just homework and school I'm trying to update at least once a week though but if not sorry so bye until next time

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