i trust you

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After the 'incident' I ran off crying to the cove I didn't go in though I sat at the entrance crying for a good half hour once I stopped crying I got up and grabed my shield and the fish and went to the entrance and tried to go through two rouck put my shield got stuck between the two rocks I tried pushing and pull in the shield it wouldn't budge so I gave up and threw the fish over the shield and crawled under it I then stood up and tried to push my shield out from the outside still nothing so I turned around and grabbed the fish by it's gills then I hear a SNORT from behind me. I turn to see the Night Fury, crouched on a rock like a stealthy panther. It gets down , approaching me.... ready to pounce. swallow my fear and offers the fish. Doing so i reveal my dagger . The dragon sees it and hisses. So I reache for it, getting a growl. I pause, i then carefully lifts it by the handle, and i toss it away. The dragon calms down . As it approaches the fish, i notice that it's missing teeth. And say "Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had... "then wamh A set of razor sharp teeth emerge from its gums to grab the fish. The dragon snatches and gnashes it up, swallowing it in one bite. I continue "... teeth." Then the teeth retract again. The dragon presses closer with an expectant look. I retreat nervously. And say "Uh, no. No, I don't have any more." The Fury backs me up against a rock, placing us in the same position as before. The dragon closes in over me , staring blankly. A tense moment passes... then the dragon makes some weird faces and nosies and regurgitates a chunk of fish onto my lap. We exchange stares. I then realize what dragon wants.me to do.I give him a are you kidding me look then I crouche down slowly and squeamishly pick it up. The dragon waits expectantly. I gag and gnaw off a bite of the slimy fish. I force a smile. Toothless tries to mimic me . Amazed, I sits up and says "are you trying to smile" and then i trie to touch him. The dragon HISSES ant me and flaps off to a crash on the other side of the cove. He BLASTS the mossy ground to a red-hot temperature... and curls up on it like a giant dog.I then get up as nd go over to him confident he won't hurt me when he turned he found me seated beside him. The dragon tolerates my persistent presence... until i trie to touch his damaged tail. He SNAPS at me . I take the hint and leave. About 10 minutes later he gets up and hangs upside down wrapping his wings around himself and sleeps all I can think is
'can he get anymore bat like' I wait a little for him to wake up he doesn't so I got board not wanting to go home I start to sketch the fury in the sand when I was about to detail the eyes the dragon woke up and came up behind me Aware of his presence, I continue drawing , trying not to scare him off. I see the dragon walk off. A moment later, he reappears with an entire sapling, drawing lines in the sand. He rushes here and there, making haphazard lines in every direction. Finally, the fury drops the tree and inspects his work. He seems pleased.
I stand and take in the sprawling scribble, amazed by it. I accidentally steps onto one of the lines, eliciting an instant growl from the dragon .I take my foot off then I steps on it again. He growls again. Realizing how sensitive he is, i step carefully between each line, turning round and round until I unwittingly bump into the dragon . He snorts. Once again, were face to face. I slowly extend my hand. The dragon hesitates. I turn my head away and close my eyes. I then hear some shifting and a few grunts then a hand grabs mine and the person said in a deepish voice "I trust you" I gasp then turned my head I screamed and backed away because instead of a dragon there was a boy that looked 18 so my age (A/N in my story hicca's 18 not 15) with jet black hair that was a little above shoulder length with a small braid on one side he also had green eyes and pale skin but 1 peculiar thing was that on his face instead of freckles looked like scales he also had some on his shoulder's he was wearing a black muscle shirt with black pants he did not have shoes on he was about 1 foot taller then me he was also very handsome . I then ask "w-who are you and what happened to the night fury "
Then the boy said "well uh about that I am the night fury " "what how" "well you know how nadders have spike tails and change wings have the ability to turn invisible " I nod "well night furys can turn human" my jaw droped "really" I ask he nodded "well I should problem introduce myself I'm hicca hicca horrendous haddock the third and you" "I'm a night fury" "I mean what's your name" "uh I don't have a name all the other dragon just call me night fury " "well if you don't have a name I can give you one if you want " I ask with a blush because I already know a name I want to give him "well OK" he said "umh uh what about toothless if you like you can say no if you want" I then put my hands behind my back and make a super cute face he thinks a bout it for a moment and said "sure so hicca do you wanna talk" he asks I tell him "sure can I maybe ask you some questions about dragons if it's not a bother" "no ask away " "uhm OK how do dragons communicate " he then started chuckling little and said "out of all the questions you ask that one first" he said amused I say "why is something wrong with my question "no I just think it's cute anyway to anwser your question we can talk by sending messages to each other by are minds like persay I wanted to say hi to a friend I consertrate and think hi" "oh that's so cool do you think it would work on me " "uh I don't know I've never heard of a dragon talking to a human that way wanna try" I nod he then looks at me and I hear his voice in my head say "hi hicca did it work" I was about to nod but instead I concentrate on toothless and think back "yeah it did this " he then said "yep" I then say "that's so cool oh I have another question can all dragons turn human" I ask excited like a child on snogglog day he anwsered "from what I heard only night furys" I keep asking questions and toothless keep answering the best he could I learned a lot about dragons that wasn't even hinted in borks dragon manual. Then toothless asked "OK that's snuff questions about dragons today how bout we get to know each other a little "OK well both awser each question well take turn you first"I say "OK what's your favourite colour mines green" toothless said "mines green too OK age I'm 18" "I'm 18 to OK favourite food mines Icelandic cod " "I don't know mine used to be fish till I had to eat your slimed covered half a regergitated fish you really should learn to cook" I joked "hey I was being nice and sharing what little food I had with you " "OK what's your least favourite food mines eel" "mine to eel actually makes dragons real sick OK when's your hatchday mines November 22" "uh what's a hstchday?" I ask "it's the day you hatched" "oh us Vikings call it a birthday mines September 27 witch means I'm older then you" I said and toothless did a pouty face which was cute wait what "OK... " we keep asking questions all night turns out we or had a lot in commen after we finished talking I didn't want to leave So I asked "uh toothless " "yeah hicca" "I was wondering if you would like to watch the stars with me"I asked shyly I'm glad it's dark I'm pretty sure I look like a tomatoes right now "sure" then toothless lied down on the grass facing the sky I lied down beside him I then saw a shape in the stars and said "look toothless those look like a spoon" then toothless said "yeah and look those ones look like a terrible terror " I laugh when isaw that it did in fact look like a terrible terror and we keep pointing out shapes in the stars later though I started to get cold I think toothless noticed "hey hicca are you cold" "a little" I amited then all the sudden toothless grabs me and pulls me twords him so he's hugging me "that better" he asks I nodd not looking up because of my blushing face I don't know why I always blush around him I just met him today I then say "thanks" he said "no problem what are friends for" I then turned a little so I can see the sky to look for more shapes in the sky still with a blush on my face . then I thought 'I think I might have a crush on toothless' that was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep in toothless's arms.

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