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Hiccas P.O.V:
I was hidding behind a rock in the cove, when I see toothless in his dragon form. I then appear , holding the new prosthetic. Toothless runs off as I chase him down. "Hey!" I yell he laughs his dragon laugh, I chase after him with the saddle above my head. "get back here I have to see if this fits." I yell "catch me if you can" is all he replies to me, I continue chasing him, laughing for a while until suddenly I trip on a rock. Landing with a 'offe' on my stomach knocking the wind out of me. Toothless noticed and turned around, and ran to me then quickly turned into his human form. Helping me up asking "are you okay hicca?" After catching my breath I said, "yeah I'm fine don't worry." I stand up, "so can I put this on you now" I continued. "Sure" toothless said, he then changed back into his dragon form. I put the saddle on his scaley back. "There how dose it feel, comfortable?" I ask. "Actually yeah it fits really good, it's comfy." Toothless tells me. "Thats great, wanna test it out?" I ask and he nodded his head,with his toothless grin.
Later that day:
Toothless and I are zooming over the ocean. Unfortunately though the tail breaks free sending me flying."Yeah! Whoa!" I yell as I go flying through the sky.
That night:
I'm in the blacksmith's, adjusting the harness, I use a metal clamp so I affix myself to Toothless' saddle. That way, I shouldn't fall off. when I was done I went home,and fell asleep.
The next morning dawn:
Me and Toothless are ziping through the air -- my rudimentary harness and tail controls are working, barely. We crash- land in an open field. I recover to find Toothless still rolling around in the tall grass. I laugh and look down and discover that it's a patch of grass which I will call dragon- nip.' Toothless writhes on his back, tongue wagging, in complete bliss. I giggle some more, then walk over to toothless and smirking down at him. "Hows it going down there, having fun?" I ask, he quickly roles over and changes into his human form. then standing facing me with a red face, "uh iiit wwasent what it looks like." He Stampers out embarrassed of his actions. "Oh really because I thought it was exactly what it looked like. My nightfury boyfriend the unholy offspring of lightning and death, was rolling around in some grass. Like Kitty." I smirk, holding in my laughter as his face lights up. "Uh I-" I cut him off saying, "it was actually kinda cute." I then giggle. He then gave me a smirk and said "you dear giggle at the uholy offspring of lightning and death?" I nod."well then you shall be punished." He tackles me to the ground tickling me. Making me laugh, he laughs along with me. after the tickle fight we where sitting up leaning against each other try to catch our breath.when I had finally calmed down from laughter I said, "so toothless, do you want to sing with me tomorrow? You know at the weekly party at the great hall." I asked then shyly bit my lip "uh sure I'm not that good at singing though." Toothless told me "really well let me be the judge of that sing." I stated "what no" toothless said. I pout fluttering my eyelashes I ask in a baby voice "pwease toothy just won wittle song." Toothless signed and said "fine" yes I knew that face would work. "Good now go" I told him. He gulped and started to sing.
(A/N: past lives by ke$ha)
"We were lovers in a past life,
I can see it in your green eyes,
Maybe you were one of my wives,
In the long lost tribe."

He sings in a very beautiful voice and looks into my green eyes, I blush.

"There's just somethin' 'bout you I know,
Started centuries ago though,
You see your kiss is like a lost ghost,
Only I would know."

He takes my hand in his.

"But I, I keep on falling for you,
Time after time, time after time.
I'll make you mine, time after,
Time after time."

He takes my other hand.

"Seems milleniums ago, love,
We were nothing more than stardust,
Just the galaxy beneath us,
We found weight.

Then we made it through the Ice Age,
But I lost you in the crusades,
I build the pyramids for you, babe,
Just to see your face."

He let's go of my left hand and cups my cheek. I blush a deeper red.

"But I, I keep on falling for you,
Time after time, time after time."

He brings me closer to him.

"I'll make you mine, time after,
Time after time, yeah."

He dropes his hand from my cheek and puts it around my waist.

"(Time after time),
(Time after time),
(Time after time)."

He brings me closer so our chest are touching slightly.

"(Time after time).
(Time after time),
(Time after time)."

He then crashes his lips onto mine. I melt into the kiss almost instantly. loving the familiar feeling of his warm soft lips on mine.I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair. He puts both of his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him, if possible. When we broke apart we were both breathless. Funny his kisses usually have that affect on me. Smiling up at toothless I tell him "you are a good Singer, Kitty." He raises an eyebrow and asks "Kitty?" "Yeah because you act like a Kitty." I state giggling at the end. Still in his arms, I pull his head down so his lips meet mine once again. This kiss only lasted few secodes. "But your my Kitty." I continue resting my head on his chest.
Braking the comfortable silence toothless said "oh by the way, I'd love to sing with you. What song should we do?" I thought for a moment and said. "How bout the one I wrote, when you wouldn't let me out of the cave, because it was cold out. But I changed it from rain to snow thinking it was more romantic." He thought for a moment trying to figure out which song I ment and said. "Yeah if it's...."
A/N: Hi, I officially decree 'how to love your dragon' is no longer on hold. So what do you think the song is? Please comment what you think it is. The first person if any will get the next chapter dedicated to them. Bye until next time

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