The Proposal and Fangirls

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Tash: Yesterday we got a lot of questions from Jessicaq10.

Total: dude. She's like the core of this book.

Tash: ... She asks, who do you ship the most?

Nudge: Fax. So cute.

Max: *glares at Nudge but smiles at the same time*

Tash: okay let's make it you can't say something you ship with yourself.

Fang: Darn it.

Nudge: My fangirl side just died.

Total: you have a fangirl side?

Angel: What's a fangirl?

*Everyone but Angel and Gazzy share a long look of: oh God*

Iggy: *clears throat* basically it's a person who is obsessed over something who is apart of a fandom who is a girl.

Gazzy: that's sexist. Is there a fanboy?

Fang: yeah.

Angel: what's a fandom?

Nudge: it's a group of people who are obsessed over the same thing who experience 'feels'.

Gazzy: What are 'feels'?

Iggy: *face palm*

Max: when a fangirl who gets emotionally touched by something about their favourite character or a ship.

Tash: so if you're obsessed over Thomas Sangster you call it Sangster feels or something.

Total: I'm not even going to ask who that is.

Tash: I'm just going to ignore the fact that you don't know who he is and move on.

Fang: No one knows who he is.

Tash: MOVING ON!! Jessicaq10 asks if you will do her homework.

Gazzy: I ain't doing any homework.

Total: I'm not even going to attempt it.

Fang: Dude, we haven't even had a whole year at school.

Tash: Jessicaq10 asks Iggy what's it like being blind.

Iggy: ugh. Try closing your eyes for a whole day and I'll laugh at you.

Angel: I'll look stupid.

Total: Honey, you already do.

Angel: *glares at Total*

Gazzy: *with his eyes closed* tell me if there is a tree in front of me.

Max: *smirks* There's a tree in front of you! And behind you!

Gazzy: *freaks out* where?

Max: On the right! No to your left!

Gazzy: *Turning constantly* where? I don't see it!

Nudge: Duh. You've got your eyes closed.

Total: *grinning* just walk in front of you. Yeah that's it.

Gazzy: *crashes into tree* *mumbles* I hate you Total.

Tash: Nyan_Remix wants-

Angel: Iggy to propose to Tash.

Tash: *glares at Angel for reading her mind*

Iggy: Not happening.

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