Surprise Fang with Mylan!

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Tash:Ugh. I've had sooooo much home work it's not even funny.

Gazzy: Home work is not funny...

Tash: I shouldn't be complaining though. Jessicaq10 had to write 9,000 words for something in a week and it's making her live in her own room.

Nudge: Don't you kinda live in your own room anyway??

Angel: She means that Jessicaq10 has been spending so much time doing home work in her room she can't go outside.

Total: Who goes outside when you have facebook?

Dylan: Um everyone Total.

Gazzy: oh yeah. I forgot you were here.

Dylan *Glares at Total*

Nudge: Normal people, Total. Normal people go outside.

Total: Well first off, I'm a dog not a person. Secondly, I'm not normal. Talking dog, the wings. HELLO.

Tash: ... On the subject of Jessicaq10, she dares Iggy to make a prank call.

Iggy: Oh I would gladly do that. Bring me a phone.

Fang: We're not your slaves.

Iggy: You are now.

The flock: *no one moves*

Iggy: Oh come on. Take pity on the blind guy.

 The flock: *no one moves*

Iggy: Fine. Be that way. *runs to get a phone*

Tash: While we're waiting, Jessicaq10 dares everyone to say craft instead of cry from now on.

Fang: I don't ever recall anyone saying cry too often.

Dylan: You have to say craft instead of cry Fang.


Dylan: shut up.

Iggy: *Runs back* okay *phew* that took too long because you guys wouldn't give the blind buy his phone.

The flock: *silent*  

Iggy: Ignore me then. Whatever. I don't care.


Nudge: no prank call someone else. The pizza shop is boring.

Iggy: Okay *clears throat and dials a number on his phone* Hello? This is Barack Obama here to order pizza.

Pizza Guy: Sorry what was that?

Iggy: This is Barack Obama here to order pizza.

Pizza Guy: Ummm. Barack Obama is nowhere near here.

Iggy: Well he is now. Can I have 1 large meatlovers, 1 large Hawaiian and a -

Pizza Guy: *Hangs up*

Iggy: Darn it.

Angel: You should have made it more believable.

Iggy: I had fun *high-fives Gazzy*

Tash: Moving on. Jessicaq10 dares Iggy to read.

Nudge: It's all about Iggy today *sad face*

Iggy: *smirks at Nudge* Someone get me a book. You can't ignore me this time.

Fang: Iggy, you're blind. You can't read.

Iggy: Thank you, Mr Obvious. Now get me a book,

Fang: Fine. *Runs off to get Iggy's book*

Tash: While Fang's gone, Iggy come over here.

Iggy: ...

Tash: *Whispers to Iggy* Felicia013 dares you to dare Max to tell Fang she is having Dylan's baby.

Iggy: *Laughs* this is going to be fun. *clears throat* okay. I dare Max to tell Fang she is having Dylan's baby.

Max: Whaaaaat?

Iggy: you heard me.

Nudge: This is going to be hilarious.

Dylan: This is going to be so awkward. I feel sorry for Fang.

Total: Awkward yes. Funny, yes also.

Fang: *Runs back with Iggy's book* Here you go. *Puffs* You betta bake me a cake for this. *Everyone is staring at Fang* What?

Max: I have to tell you something Fang.

Fang: yeah?

Max: Something serious.

Fang: And?

Gazzy: *Trying not to laugh*

Angel: *Nudges Gazzy to be quiet*

Max: You have to promise not to freak out or to do anything.

Fang: Why...?

Max: Just promise me.

Fang: Okay. I promise.

Max: I'm having Dylan's baby.

Fang: ... *Looks at Dylan, then at Max* What?

Max: I'm having Dylan's baby.

Fang: When did you... *Turns really angry and glares at Dylan*

Dylan: *takes a few steps back and raises his hands in surrender*

Fang: *Looks at Max* How could you? After everything we've been through? How could you do this?

Max: *Silent and feeling bad*

Fang: *Kicks Dylan hard in the spot that hurts*

Dylan: *screams in pain and collapses to his knees*

Fang: *Turns away and leaves*

Angel: where is he going?

Tash: I suggest you go after him Max because Fang has a knack for leaving.

Max: Fang? *Runs to Fang*

Iggy: Man that went terrible.

Nudge: *sniffs and blows nose on a tissue* That was so sad. Sadder than the Fault In Our Stars.

Total: Now that was a sad movie. I even cried in that.

Tash: Excuse me? You know it was a book first.

Total: It was?

Tash: I am going to punch your face out.

Total: Oh you wouldn't. You wouldn't hurt a fluffy talking dog with wings.

Max: *Comes back with Fang* It's all good. I told Fang it was a dare.

Gazzy: aww. You should have gone along with it.

Max: *Glares at Gazzy coldly*

Fang: I hate you all for going along with it.

Dylan: HEY! Iggy never read his book.

Iggy: *Looks at the book in his hands*

Fang: I ran a whole 2 kilometers to get you that.

Iggy: Wow, so tiring *Sarcasm*

Tash: I'm going to wrap it up for the day. I need to start my maths because I have a test tomorrow.

Gazzy: Test? What's a test?

Tash: You people are lucky you don't have them. Wait til you get a maths investigation.

Total: What are those?

Tash: Absolute hell.

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