Chapter 1

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Sonic POV

You may know me as Sonic the Hedgehog, the hero of Mobius, the blue happy, and cocky hedgehog that runs fast ya that's me.... I don't feel happy at all, it's all a mask I put on to not make everyone worry about me. I don't like that because it makes me feel weak NO! I am weak I am not saying I am not I am ok I AM WEAK! ok. I was sitting on my bed and thinking about the days when I was a kid playing alone because no one wanted to play with me because I was a freak but then my door opened and I saw Tails standing there smiling at me. He walked in sat next to me and asked.

"Sonic, you wanted to go to the park with me?"

"Of course, I will," I responded with my electronic smile.

As we went to the park I saw Amy 'I don't like her' As we walked she saw me and Tails and ran to us yelling.

We stopped for her even if I didn't want to but we did. I put on a fake smile and said.

"Hi Amy how are you?"I asked

"Oh I just saw you guys and wanted to ask you if I came to hang out with you two?" she said in her annoying voice of her's

"That will be ok right Sonic," said Tails

"Ya," I said walking away and sitting down on a bench as they walked up to me and were going to say something: a big boom was heard out in the distance. I got up and ran off to the way Eggman was attacking so I went up and yelled.

"HI, Eggman!"

"Hahahaha Sonic the Hedgehog you come," Eggman said

"So tell me is it going to go the same way as all the other times?"I asked

He smirked but I didn't care. I ran up to him but something pushed me to the ground. It was Metal Sonic of course. Me and Metal got into a fight with Tails and Amy fought the other robots. It was long and hard. Somehow Metal was stronger than before. Then metal pinned me to the ground and was choking me. His red eyes had nothing in them. Tails was yelling and running to me. Why am I showing him how weak I am? So I put my hand around Metals and left it off my neck and I punched him in the face and ran off.

Talis POV

'What just happened Sonic was just getting choked by Metal Sonic but then he saw me running up to him he just pulled him off and ran off weirdly?' I thought

But I shocked it off and went to help stop Eggman after that Sonic came back and dragged Metal Sonic did Sonic do that cool?

"'Where have you been?" asked Amy

But Sonic didn't say anything, just looked at the sky we looked at. He was looking but it was nothing.

"What are you looking at?"I asked

He shook his head and looked at me

"Um...Oh nothing," He said

"Are you sure you are

"Ya," he said and walked away again

'Why does he do that when we're talking to him and he walks away?'I thought

As me and Amy walk I see Sonic and..... Shadow. They were yelling at each other of course so me and Amy went to stop it before they started to fight. As we get there Shadow punches Sonic in the face and Sonic just stares at the floor. We all looked at him, Shadow snickered and said quietly but loud for all of us to hear it.


'What did he say,' I thought to myself

Sonic didn't look up or do anything Shadow was going to say something but Sonic punched him and yelled.

"I know!" And then ran

'What did he say?'I thought to myself

We all looked at where Sonic was after a long time of standing me and Amy went to Sonic's house. Then we got there and the door was wide open. We looked at each other then went into the house and it was dark with no lights. I then heard a noise from the kitchen. It was growls that sounded like they were in pain. I went in there and turned the lights on to see Sonic but his back was turned to me.

Sonic POV

The red warm liquid ran down my arm to the floor then the light turned on and I heard footsteps.

'Was it Tails and Amy?'I thought to myself

I stood up and walked to the sink to wash my arm and I heard a little voice say something I always hear and hate.

"Sonic are you ok?"My buddy asked

"Oh course I am buddy," I said still washing my arm

When I was done I turned around and put my arm behind my back and put on a small fake smile. He looked at me for a minute and then he said,

"OK good,"

I walked to the stairs but then Amy came up and hugged me. I don't like hugs or being touched by people without asking but I of course didn't do anything and just turned to her and smiled a little once again she let me go and I walked upstairs to my room. My room was small just as I liked it. There was only a bed and a window that brought the moon and sunlight into the room. I walked to my small bed where only one person could be one. I laid on it and looked out of the window. It was wonderful to look at the night sky. I love the night more than the day a lot more but that's just me as I stared out of my window thinking of what Shadow and how Pathetic I am. As I do I sneak out of my window and go for a walk in the starry night. After a long walk, I saw the park me and Tails went to so I went in there and found a big tree that reminded me of a big oak tree I always went to when I was 9 to 12 so I went up to it and climbed up the tree and laid down on a big branch then closed my eyes. But then I heard two people coming. It was a female and a male but I knew those voices were Rouge and Shadow. When they came closer to the tree I could listen to what they were saying.

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