Chapter 12

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We stayed in silence and I hated it, I turned to look at Shadow but before I could say anything the doorbell rang. We both looked at the door and then each other.

"Oh no," I said as I looked out the window to see my friends.

"Let me guess there here," Shadow said

I looked at him and nodded, then I stood up and said.

"What are you going to hide?"

I looked around the room then I got something.

"Go to my room," I said as I pointed at the stairs.

And he did Shadow ran up the stairs and I went to the door then Tails unlocked it. And as they walked inside I stood there smiling.

"Hey guys," I said

"Oh Sonic, why didn't you open the door?"Tails asked me

"Oh, I was in my room so I didn't hear until you unlocked the door."I lied

Tails nodded "All right,"

I continued to smile as they walked into the house then Amy walked up to me.

"Sonic we have a surprise for you" As she says that she grabs my arm.

"Really!?"I questioned but was I a little excited

Amy nodded "Yup,"

Tails walked over to the door and motioned for something to come over, I was a little weirded out but I pushed it away as I looked at everyone else, Knuckles looked and was acting normal but Silver looked a little nervous. But before I could talk to him, Amy pulled my arm and I looked at her.

"Your surprise is coming," She said

"Oh ok," I nodded,

And when I said that Tails turned to me.

"Surprise!"Tails said

As I watched the door my smile faded as I saw my FATHER standing there in MY home, I couldn't move or say anything, Amy called my name and shook me, but did nothing. I just stared at him, but he started to move toward me saying something but I couldn't hear him. I started to walk away from everyone and up the stairs then ran to my room. And when I got into my room Shadow looked at me worried because I was breathing heavily and was leaning against the door.

"Hey Sonic you alright?" Shadow asked me

I looked at him "Oh umm I'm just tired you know." I said looking away.

"Oh alright if you say so," He said

Shadow looked away and then continued to talk.

"I should go then

"NO!"I yelled

Shadow looked at me surprised.

"I.... I would like to stay with you" I said a little scared

"Ok, I'll stay here wi..."He was going to continue talking but I cut him off.

"I thought we could go to your place tonight."I walk to my window

"Alright fine," walks to the window as well as he said.

We left through the window and went to his house, and when we walked in, Rouge was standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, she looked pissed but then she smiled when she saw me.

"Oh Sonic, what are you doing here hun?" she asked

"Umm I just wanted to stay the night here that's all," I said as I walked into the house.

"Oh ok," Rouge said as she watched me walk by.

I walked into the kitchen and looked around but I heard Shadow say to Rouge.

"Just leave him alone, he'll tell us when he wants,"

I keep looking around until I see the knife block. I took one of them out and just stared at it. Shadow and Rouge had such great-looking knives, their handle was black with silver stripes on it but also carved on the handle was Shadow's name. And. And they were so sharp, very sharp, I knew that because when I was staring at the knife I cut my finger a little, I watched the red liquid run down my finger to my wrist as I watched the blood do at it made me feel something, and I hear voices telling me things that I heard a long time ago but before I could do anything they said I heard another voice but it was different it was more soft and gentle, then I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned my head to see Rouge.

"Hun you ok," she said

I didn't say anything.

"Oh you're bleeding," She said as she took my hand for a little while.

I looked at her without saying anything.

"I'll get a bandaid for you," she walked away When she left I put them down and I fell to the floor crying.

"Why is she so nice, sweet, and caring to me?"I asked myself

"I can't do this, why should I feel like this when I left it all behind a long long time ago," I said as I hugged my knees and put my head on my knees.

"I can't take it, I can't, I can't, can't can't can't can't." After I said this I heard someone coming downstairs so I got up and washed my finger and face, as I thought it was Rouge but it wasn't, it was Shadow. He looked at me with his glowing red ruby eyes. Then he spoke, his voice was so deep and soothing.

"Hey, you alright?"Shadow asked

I shook my head a little "Oh ya I'm fine just waiting for Rogue to get a bandaid for me," I said as I showed him my bleeding finger.

"Oh ok," He said as he walked to me I froze, my heart was beating so fast, but I liked the feeling it made me feel good.

"So what do you want to do?"He asked as he leaned on the counter looking at me with a smirk

I blushed a little as I looked at Shadow "I... I don't know." I stuttered

"Oh you sure, you don't know what you want," He said as he moved closer to me.

"Ya I'm s-sure I d-don't know," I said as Shadow got closer to me

"I know it's just fun seeing you stutter and get fluttered like this, it's adorable," Shadow smirked more as I said that

I couldn't say anything. I was so fluttered that I couldn't and Shadow saw that and smiled as he moved closer to me until he was right in front of me, my heart was beating faster and I blushed more. But before anything could happen Rouge came in with the bandaid.

"Here hun I got your band-aid.... Oh Shadow what are you doing?"Rouge asked Shadow as she walked to us

"Nothing just making sure Sonic's ok," Shadow said

"Oh I think he fine, here sweety," Rouge said as she gave me the bandaid

"Thanks and ya I am fine," I said as I put the bandaid on

Shadow nods when he walks away, that feeling goes away and the sad feeling comes back. I hate it so much, Rouge then asked.

"Sonic, you want to watch TV with me?"

I looked at her and smiled "Ya I would like that,"

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