Chapter 10

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The morning Silver POV

As I wake up I hear two people taking in the living room I think that much about it when I hear one of the voices say

"Whatever faker,"

'Wait what?'

With that, I got up and ran to the living room to Sonic and Shadow. Sitting on the couch laughing but Shadow saw me.

"Oh we got caught," Shadow said

Sonic was confused but when He turned around to see me he freaked.

"Silver oh my hi!"Sonic said especially

"Hi Sonic.... Hi Shadow," I said

As we looked at each other I thought I should say something so I did.

"So what are you doing?"I asked

Sonic answered

"Just talking,"

"Oh ok," I said

Sonic smiled nervously but it didn't last. It turned into a little frown when Tails and Amy came in but when I looked back at him he had a big smile on.

'That was weird?' I thought to myself

Sonic got up and went to the kitchen.

"Why is Shadow here?"Amy asked

"Oh ya why is he," Tails just saw him sitting there

"Oh um, his here because," I was trying to find something to say#

"I invited him," Sonic said

He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Oh did?"Tails asked

"Yes I did I asked him if Rouge and he could come for breakfast, but he said that Rouge can't because she is on a little mission." sonic said

"Oh already," Tails said still looking at Shadow

The doorbell rang

We all looked at the door but Sonic was the one to open it and there was Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla. Vanilla was holding a box of something.

"Please come in," Sonic said

"Oh thanks again for inviting us for breakfast Sonic," Vanilla said

"Oh it's nothing," Sonic said smiling

Vanilla smiled back, putting the box down and taking her shoes off.

"Mr.Sonic," Cream said hugging him

"Hi Cream," Sonic said hugging Cream back

"Cream what do you say," Vanilla said

"Thank you for inviting us Mr.Sonic," she said

"Oh your welcome Cream," Sonic said smiling

Cream smiled then she walked into the living room and screamed.


She ran to him and asked,

"Sonic invited you too?"
"Yes he did, he invited me and Rouge but she couldn't come," Shadow said

"Why," she asked tilting her head

"Because she had to go on her mission," he said

"Oh well I hope she gets back soon," Cream said

"I am sure she will," Shadow said

Cream smiled again nodding after we all said hi to each other and Sonic walked up Knuckles and Blaze Vanilla took Sonic and the box into another room then she did Tails started to ask Shadow questions.

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