Chapter 3

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Rouge POV

'That look on his face. He's worried why?'I thought

As I looked at Shadow I saw that he bends down to Sonic and touches his forehead then he says.

"I am going to my room,"

"Ok," I said

As Shadow went up the stairs Sonic did something that made me smile.


The Morning Sonic POV

As I opened my eyes I smelled a good smell like something was cooking I thought I was at Tails' so I got up but I was on a couch not my bed and I was not at Tails' house when Rouge came over to me and said.

"Oh good you wake,"

'Wait am I in Rouge's house?'

"Are you ok?" she asked

"Ya I am,' I said

"Good, now come and get something to eat,"

"Ok," I said

When me and Rouge got to the dining room Shadow was there putting plates of food down. It was pancakes, bacon, and sunny-side-up eggs, my favorite ones. As I find a chair to sit on Shadow pulls one out and says.


"Ok," I said weirded out

'Why did Shadow do that?' I thought to myself

When I sat down He sat beside me and Rouge sat across from us. We began to eat. It was so good. Did Shadow make this? It's so amazing that I ate more Rouge than asked.

"So Sonic, why did you say that?"

'I don't want to worry about me will not Rouge,"

"What do you mean?"I asked faking it

She looked at me weirded out.

"OK," she said

After eating I sat in the living room watching TV and news and it was that same thing I saved the day for Dr. Eggman. As I lay down Shadow comes in and sits on one of the chairs and opens a book.

"Shadow why did you bring me here?"I asked

"I...I...I don't know why," Shadow said

"Oh," I said, a little sad. Why?

"Ya I just did," he said

"So your body just did it?"I asked

"I think so," he said

"ok," I said, looking out the window.

Shadow POV

As we sat in the living room I thought about it.

'why did I do it,'

But when I was there I heard a sound and said,

"Stop trying to scare me Rouge,"

"Oh come on," she said

Rouge sits next to Sonic but Sonic gets up and walks to the door but before he opens it Rouge asks.

"Are you going now?"

"Ya Tails is maybe looking for me again," he said without looking at her.

"Ok," she said

Then he left and she sat back down signing as I read my book. I could feel her looking at me so I signed put my book down and looked at her.

"What?"I asked

"Nothing, it's just that he doesn't look that happy like we know him," she said, with a frown

"So?"I asked

"Well it's weird to see him like that," Rouge said

'You know she is right, I have never seen him this sad before.' I thought

But I didn't say anything and she signed again and looked out of the window Sonic was looking out of. Then Rouge was looking out of it. I walked out of the house and went for a walk to think about things. After one hour of walking, I saw that pink brat as I walked the other way she of course saw me and yelled my name.

"Shadow wait!"

As I turn to look at her she smiles at me but I don't care for it.

"What do you want?"I asked

"Do you know where Sonic is?" she asked

'Of course she would ask me that, He and I fight a lot.' I thought

"No I have not," I said

"Oh," she said, with a frown

As I tried to walk away she walked beside me and said.

"I just have to hang with you,"

'Oh hell no,'

"No," I said

"Come on please?"Rose asked

"NO!"I yelled

As I did I got looks at other people that were there so I turned around and walked the other way.

'Why did she do that?'I thought to myself, as I walked to a cafe that I liked as I went inside I saw only three people, two there were maybe a couple and the third one was Sonic! Why is he here? I thought he would be with Tails and his other friends. But I scratched it off and went to get my drink but it looked like Sonic didn't even have a drink so I bought him one and walked to him and put it down. He looked at me with a puzzled look, so I smiled and said.

"I bought you one because you didn't have one and I....."

"You thought you should get me one?" he asked

"Yes, "I said

"Why? "he asked

"Because I thought you were thirsty but you didn't have money," I said

He smiled looked at the black coffee and said.


"Ya whatever, "I said

He laughed and took a sip of the black coffee.

"Black coffee," he said

"Ya I always buy it here," I said

"That's ok me too," he said

"Really?"I questioned him

"Ya," he said

"That's cool I guess," I said

"Did you say cool?" he said

"Ya," I said

Then he started to laugh.

"What so funny?"I asked

"It's just I never thought you would ever say cool," he said smiling

"Ya whatever," I said hiding my blushing face

'Why did my heart make that weird sound?'

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