Chapter 15

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 Blaze POV

As I sat there eating Amy, Knuckles, and Tails were talking with that man where Sonic was laughing and talking with Shadow, he looked so happy and I was glad, but of course, Someone had to stop it and of course it was Tails, he walked up to him and whispered something to Sonic and Sonic nodded.

'What did he say?'I thought to myself

Tails sat back in his seat and that man looked at Vanilla and asked.

"Sorry but what's your name?"

Vanilla looked at him without emotion and asked him.

"Why should I tell you?"

They looked at Vanilla but not Me, Sonic, and Cream, actually Sonic laughed quitting but quickly stopped but it was funny seeing their faces, especially that Man.

"Because it's nicer if I use your name when I'm talking to you," That name said

Vanilla looked at him and said, "I'll, I don't want you to know my name."

Sonic's "Father" started to sound angry as he asked "may I ask why?.

"No you may not," Vanilla said as she wiped her hands

He gripped his napkin in anger but fastly claimed himself down as he nodded and said.

"Alright if that's what you want,"

Vanilla just smirked and nodded, then we were done eating. Tails talked with that man as Amy talked with Vanilla until she looked at Sonic, he looked tired, so she asked.

"Sonic sweety are you ok?"

Sonic looked at her and smiled.

"Ya, I am, why?"

"Oh it's just you look tired," Vanilla said

Then Amy questioned, "Ya Vanilla, are you sure you're alright?"

"Ya, I am," Sonic said

Amy and Vanilla nodded as they continued to talk but I had one question to ask but I didn't say it.

'why was that smile not the same as the one he gave to Shadow,' I thought to myself

And I think Vanilla thought so too because she looked at Sonic from time to time to see how he looking.

Shadow POV

When Vanilla had that little fight with Sonic's father I was a little shocked to hear Vanilla saying that but it was funny seeing that weird-looking man getting frustrated. I wanted to ask Sonic something about his father but then I looked at Sonic he looked scared.

'What why? Is it Because of his father?' I wonder to myself

I stared at his father but then the waiter came over and asked as he took the empty plates.

"Is there anything else you guys need?"

Fox Boy shook his head and said "No we don't, we done anyways,"

"Oh ok I'll get your checks," the waiter said and walked away

As we waited for the checks the Fox Boy said something to Knuckles and Knuckles just looked at him confused then like he realized what that Fox said he looked angry.

'What did he say to make that Echidna mad?"I thought in my head

The Echidna then looked away from the two-tailed fox after the waiter came with the checks, one for him and his friends plus Sonic's father and one for me, Rouge, and Sonic. I told the waiter that I would be paying for Sonic's food, not the Fox freak, and when that fox noticed I grabbed Sonic's arm and ran.

"Sonic!!" the two tailed freak yelled as he ran after us

The waiter yelled something but I didn't hear, then Sonic said.

"Shadow you forgot to pay,"

"Damn it," I whispered

I stopped pulled sonic close to me, and said.

"Stay here,"

I walked up to the front desk and paid the waitress there then ran to Sonic and carried in bridal style that made Sonic blush then ran out of the restaurant. I ran to a field of flowers that was surrounded by a forest when we got there then I put Sonic down.

"Were here," I said

Sonic looked around.

"Wow it looks beautiful here," Sonic said when he pushed me as he yelled.

"But what the hell was that for?!"

"I'm just having some fun that's all and it was so funny seeing that angry face on that Fox boy." I chuckled

But Sonic didn't look happy so I frowned.

"Sonic I'm so sorry I just thought it would be fun... So-?"I was going to finish my sentence but Sonic started to laugh. "What's funny?"I asked him.

"Nothing Nothing," Sonic said as he continued to laugh.

"Oh no it's just nothing," I said to him a little annoyed "Sonic tell me,"

"Fine fine, you got a.... Amonthh on your forehead," He said

"There is," I said as I was going to take it off but Sonic stopped me.

"No, I don't want t,." he said as he reached his arms up to the moth

"Sonic I can get it off," I said blushing lightly

"I know I just want to hold it," Sonic said, looking at me and his arms still trying to grab the moth.

I sighed and bent my knees a little so Sonic could take the moth.

"OK here,"

Sonic smiled as he guided the moth to his finger, and when he was I was staring at his lips, I wanted to kiss them but I didn't and let him continue to grab the moth.

"There, got it," he said as he backed away looking at the blue-winged moth.

"It's so beautiful isn't it?" he said

"Ya it is," I said looking at the dark blue winged interest then I smiled and said "I guess I just attract little blue things,"

Sonic looked at me with a disappointed face right after I said that but I didn't care, it was cute.

"Haha very funny Shadow," Sonic said

"Oh I know it was," I said with a light smile.

Sonic sighed as he put the moth on a flower "Here buddy" I said to the Interest.

"Well I should get going, I have a lot of explaining to do to Tails," Sonic said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ya sorry about that," I said

"Oh it's fine," he said with that small smile I love

I nodded as I looked away to leave, but Sonic grabbed my arm.

"W-wait there is one thing I want to d-do," he said with a little stutter

It was always so cute when he stuttered.

"And what is that," I said as I bent out to him.

"W-well mum," Sonic stuttered as he blushed a bright red.

I was going to say something else but didn't when Sonic kissed me on the cheek then he let my hand go pulled away and yelled quickly.


When he ran away, I chuckled as I touched my cheek.

"Damn you dumb adorable hedgehog," I said with a smirk

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