Chapter 7

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Sonic POV

Then I was done cooking Cream, Cheese, and Shadow I yelled.

"Ok, supper is done!"

"Well, we're done too!"Shadow yelled,

"Oh ok!"I yelled

As I did I saw Cream and Cheese going to the bathroom to wash their hands but Shadow came into the kitchen.

"Shadow you nee-" but Shadow cut me off.

"I know Sonic I am waiting for Cream and Cheese to be done." he said

"Oh.... Sorry," I said

"It's ok Sonic." he said

again before anything else could be said or done Cream and Cheese came out of the bathroom to the kitchen.

"All done," she said

"Good, know for Shadow," I said with a small smile

"OK ok I'm going," he said

"Good," I said

As Shadow walked into the bathroom I got Cream a bowl of chicken noodle soup and as she went into the dining room with Cream I looked at the knives until Shadow tapped me on the shoulder again.

"The knives again huh," he said

"Sorry," I said with a nervous smile

"It's ok," he said

As I grabbed him a bowl and gave it to him he looked at me, smirked, and said.


Then he walked into the dining room then I followed him after

"Mr.Sonic why don't you have any soup?"Cream asked

"Oh I am not that hungry," I said

But Shadow looked at me like he was not convinced.

After supper, we played what every Cream wanted until it was bedtime for her and Cheese.

"But I don't want to go to bed," she said rubbing her eyes

"Well you have to your mother said," Shadow said

"Oh fine," she said looking down

"Good, now come on," I said

Was I taking Cream and Cheese Shadow outside of the door and when I was done I smiled at Shadow and he frowned so I stopped.

"So I should go," he said looking at me with a straight face

"No you can stay anyway Vanilla is going to be here soon," I said

Shadow looked at me and smirked and that made me worried about what he was thinking.

"So you want me to stay," he said still smirking

"WHA-WHAt! No I-I don't I was jus-just saying y-you can," I said stuttering and blushing

'Huh Sonic looks cute when he's blushing...... wait....WHAT AM I THINK!!!!'Shadow thought

"Well what should we do now?"Shadow asked

"I don't know....Maybe watch TV?"I asked

"Ok," he said

Then we got into the living room and sat on the couch Shadow grabbed the remote and asked.

"So what do you want to watch?"

"I don't care," I said leaning back on the couch

"What about a horror movie?" he asked

"What no," I said

"What are you scared me?" he asked with a smirk on his face

"NO!"I yelled

"Then we are watching a horror movie," he said

"O-ok," I said quietly

Shadow POV

As we watched CandyMan Sonic jumped at the jumpscares and it was funny.

"How are you not scared?"He asked

"Because I have seen it a lot of times," I said

"WHAT?!" he yelled

I looked at him and paused the movie.

"You put this on to scare me," he said

"So?"I asked

"That is not cool," he said looking away

"Whatever," I said, unpausing the movie.

"I'm sorry," Sonic said

"What why?"I asked

"Be 'cause I made you mad," he said, looking down.

"You didn't make me mad and it's my fault for scaring you."I said

"No it's not," he said, looking at me sad.

"Sonic it is I should have listened to you," I said

We looked each other in the eyes.

"His eyes are so beautiful, such a pretty green and they shine like emeralds...But they're filled with sadness and hurt. Why didn't I see this before?"I thought to myself

"His eyes are so ruby red and dull but there is a little light in them, why do I feel this way it's so familiar but why?"Sonic thought

We got closer and closer to each other until our noses were touching.

"Shadow," Sonic said

"Sonic," I said

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