Chapter: 18

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Shadow POV (morning)

I opened my eyes as the light from the window that I climbed in from, the light blinded me for a moment and when I did get used to sunlight I saw Sonic sleeping on me I looked at an alarm clock to see the time 10:30 am I look away with a grown then closed my eyes to go back to sleep but opened my eyes again at the sound of Sonic waking up. He sat up rubbing his eyes with a small cute grown.

"Shady," Sonic said sleepy

"Yes Darling" I spoke as I looked towards him with my tired eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked me

"Oh it's 10:30," I answered

"10:30," Sonic repeated the time I said "Wait 10:30!" he yelled then looked at the alarm clock "Dammit!" He quickly jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

I was confused by that so I got up and quietly left Sonic's room to see him in the washroom. I knocked on the door, Sonic opened the door looking normal, and smiled at me.

"What was that all about? "I questioned him quietly

"Oh nothing it's just I mostly am at Vanilla's for breakfast around this time, and now I'm late." He said as he walked down the hall to the stairs.

"Oh well I don't think Vanilla would mind you being a little late," I said walking with him

"I know Shad," he said as we walked down the stairs

I smiled a little and when we got to the bottom of the stairs Sonic stopped I stopped too and looked at him.

"What's?" I asked him

"I forgot Tails told me that my father is sleeping on the couch in the living room," Sonic said

"Oh really," I said as my smile went away

We looked into the living room to see Sonic's father was sleeping on the couch.

"Ok he's sleeping, Let go," Sonic said walking to the door.

I followed him when we got outside, Sonic said.

"Didn't have to do that for a long time until now,"

"You did that a lot when you lived with your father?" I questioned Sonic as he started to walk away from his house.

"Ya I did, especially when I need to calm down," Sonic said

I nodded and grabbed Sonic's hand holding it. He blushed a little and smiled, as we walked to Vanilla's we talked about his life when he was a kid, like he was bullied by kids when he was little or that his mother would cook and bake a lot and he would also help her with other nice things about his mother.

"Your mother sounds very nice," I said

"Ya she was," he nodded

When we got there Sonic opened the door and yelled.

"Hey sorry we're late!"

Vanilla walked from the kitchen with a smile and said "Oh it's ok Sonic honey, we'll just have brunch, and hello Shadow."

"Hey," I said with a small wave

Sonic and I took off our shoes walked into the house then looked, Cream ran up to Sonic and hugged him.

"Hey Cream," Sonic cheerfully said

Cheese flew to him and hugged him too.

"Hi to you too Cheese," Sonic laughed

"Chao Chao," Cheese said when he saw me

"Miss.Shadow did you come for brunch?"Cream asked looking at me with her big child eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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